Summary: A MIDI sound file player. Name: playmidi Version: 2.4 Release: 7 Source: Source2: awe_voice.h Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Multimedia Patch0: playmidi-2.3-hertz.patch Patch1: playmidi-2.3-awe2.patch Patch2: playmidi-2.4-make.patch Patch3: playmidi-2.4-midimap.patch BuildRoot: /var/tmp/playmidi-root %package X11 Summary: An X Window System based MIDI sound file player. Requires: playmidi = 2.4 Group: Applications/Multimedia %description Playmidi plays MIDI (Musicial Instrument Digital Interface) sound files through a sound card synthesizer. This package includes basic drum samples for use with simple FM synthesizers. Install playmidi if you want to play MIDI files using your computer's sound card. %description X11 Playmidi-X11 provides an X Window System interface for playing MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) sound files through a sound card synthesizer. This package includes basic drum samples for use with simple FM synthesizers. Install playmidi-X11 if you want to use an X interface to play MIDI sound files using your computer's sound card. %prep %setup -q cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/awe_voice.h . %patch0 -p1 -b .consthertz %patch1 -p1 -b .awe2 %patch2 -p1 -b .make %patch3 -p1 -b .midimap %build PATH=.:$PATH %ifarch i386 make RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" playmidi splaymidi xplaymidi <