# This section is used from mysqld.conf for logrotation. # Be sure that the password in config matches the actual one. # # ATTENTION: The mysqld.conf should be readable ONLY for *system* root! # # [mysqladmin] # user = mysql_sysadmin # password = # # where "" is the password. # # You must do this for every active cluster defined in /etc/mysql/clusters.conf /var/log/percona-server/query.log /var/log/percona-server/mysqld.log /var/log/percona-server/slow.log /var/log/percona-server/update* { olddir /var/log/archive/percona-server notifempty missingok create 640 mysql mysql sharedscripts # NOTE: # if you run the rotation less often than "daily" then the # "expire-logs-days" mysqld server parameter may no longer work as you # expect daily postrotate /sbin/service percona-server flush-logs endscript }