# TODO: # - move translations into a separate, noarch package # %bcond_without shared # static or shared version %bcond_without distributable # distributable or not %bcond_without incall # include all tarballs into src.rpm (but splitted into shared/static) %bcond_with snap # snap version %if %{with snap} %define ver 7.60 %define dirrel 20040824 %define reltype Preview-1 %else %define ver 7.54 %define dirrel 20040803 %define reltype final %endif %define shver %(echo %{ver} | tr -d .) %define x86_shared_rel %{dirrel}.5 %define x86_static_rel %{dirrel}.1 %define sparc_shared_rel %{dirrel}.2 %define sparc_static_rel %{dirrel}.1 %define ppc_shared_rel %{dirrel}.2 %define ppc_static_rel %{dirrel}.1 %if %{with shared} %define type shared # We should be able to build src.rpm also on not supported archs %define rel %{x86_shared_rel} %ifarch sparc64 sparc %define rel %{sparc_shared_rel} %endif %ifarch ppc %define rel %{ppc_shared_rel} %endif %else %define type static %define rel %{x86_static_rel} %ifarch sparc sparc64 %define rel %{sparc_static_rel} %endif %ifarch ppc %define rel %{ppc_static_rel} %endif %endif %if %{with incall} # with incall? [if] %if %{with snap} # with snap? [if] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ix86_shared_snap 1 %define need_sparc_shared_snap 1 %define need_ppc_shared_snap 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ix86_static_snap 1 %define need_sparc_static_snap 1 %define need_ppc_static_snap 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %else # with snap: [else] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ix86_shared 1 %define need_sparc_shared 1 %define need_ppc_shared 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ix86_static 1 %define need_sparc_static 1 %define need_ppc_static 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %endif # with snap; [endif] %else # with incall: [else] %ifarch %{ix86} # is ix86? [if] %if %{with snap} # with snap? [if] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ix86_shared_snap 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ix86_static_snap 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %else # with snap: [else] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ix86_shared 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ix86_static 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %endif # with snap; [endif] %endif # is ix86; [endif] %ifarch sparc sparc64 # is sparc? [if] %if %{with snap} # with snap? [if] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_sparc_shared_snap 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_sparc_static_snap 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %else # with snap: [else] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_sparc_shared 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_sparc_static 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %endif # with snap; [endif] %endif # is sparc; [endif] %ifarch ppc # is ppc? [if] %if %{with snap} # with snap? [if] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ppc_shared_snap 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ppc_static_snap 1 %endif # with shared; [endif] %else # with snap: [else] %if %{with shared} # with shared? [if] %define need_ppc_shared 1 %else # with shared: [else] %define need_ppc_static 1 %endif # with shared; [endif %endif # with snap; [endif %endif # is ppc; [endif] %endif # with incall; [endif] Summary: World fastest web browser Summary(pl): Najszybsza przeglądarka WWW na świecie Name: opera Version: %{ver}%{?with_snap:.%{rel}} Release: 4 Epoch: 1 License: Distributable for PLD until 31 Dec 2006 - http://distribute.opera.com/ (otherwise restricted, see file LICENSE) Group: X11/Applications/Networking %if %{need_ix86_static} Source0: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/i386/static/%{name}-%{ver}-%{x86_static_rel}-static-qt.i386-en.tar.bz2 # Source0-md5: 0a7e933ef593d4b7a897041c9f87bba2 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 0} %endif %if %{need_ix86_static_snap} Source100: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/intel-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{x86_static_rel}-static-qt.i386-en.tar.bz2 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 100} %endif %if %{need_sparc_static} Source1: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/sparc/static/%{name}-%{ver}-%{sparc_static_rel}-static-qt.sparc-en.tar.bz2 # Source1-md5: 04976a6ace7a4345ce5e4cf763159939 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 1} %endif %if %{need_sparc_static_snap} #Source101: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/sparc-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{sparc_static_rel}-static-qt.sparc-en.tar.bz2 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 101} %endif %if %{need_ppc_static} Source2: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/ppc/static/%{name}-%{ver}-%{ppc_static_rel}-static-qt.ppc-en.tar.bz2 # Source2-md5: c11a4c78d18bdaa4bd338b4c0dc27f38 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 2} %endif %if %{need_ppc_static_snap} Source102: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/ppc-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{ppc_static_rel}-static-qt.ppc-en.tar.bz2 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 102} %endif %if %{need_ix86_shared} Source20: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/i386/shared/%{name}-%{ver}-%{x86_shared_rel}-shared-qt.i386-en.tar.bz2 # Source20-md5: 0e407a050f3aa4559011a3cea707cd20 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 20} %endif %if %{need_ix86_shared_snap} Source1020: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/intel-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{x86_shared_rel}-shared-qt.i386-en.tar.bz2 # Source1020-md5: da4df3c5d65057eac4e063b4359fafa6 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 1020} %endif %if %{need_sparc_shared} Source21: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/sparc/shared/gcc-2.95/%{name}-%{ver}-%{sparc_shared_rel}-shared-qt.sparc-en.tar.bz2 # Source21-md5: d8635013dac0c98c680997fcc9dd66c4 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 21} %endif %if %{need_ix86_shared_snap} #Source1021: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/sparc-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{sparc_shared_rel}-shared-qt.sparc-en.tar.bz2 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 1021} %endif %if %{need_ppc_shared} Source22: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/%{shver}/%{reltype}/en/ppc/shared/gcc-2.95/%{name}-%{ver}-%{ppc_shared_rel}-shared-qt.ppc-en.tar.bz2 # Source22-md5: 516992e68c5a710d795a1ecc791c7f4d %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 22} %endif %if %{need_ppc_shared_snap} Source1022: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/%{ver}-%{reltype}/ppc-linux/en/%{name}-%{ver}-%{ppc_shared_rel}-shared-qt.ppc-en.tar.bz2 # Source1022-md5: 6496d9871a2ca7337377ed3ecc298559 %{!?with_distributable:NoSource: 1022} %endif Source4: %{name}.desktop URL: http://www.opera.com/ ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} ppc sparc sparc64 Requires: freetype >= 2 Requires: openmotif >= 2 BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define _plugindir %{_libdir}/opera/plugins %define _operadocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{ver}.%{rel} %define configfile %{_datadir}/opera/config/opera6rc %description Opera is world fastest web browser. It supports most of nowaday extensions of HTML. And it is quite stable. Only disadvantage are advertisements on the top of its window. Version static linked with qt. %description -l pl Opera jest najszybszą przeglądarką WWW na świecie. Obsługuje większość dzisiejszych rozszerzeń HTMLa. Dodatkowo jest w miarę stabilna. Jedyną niedogodnością są reklamy ukazujące się w górze okna. Wersja statycznie skonsolidowana z qt. %prep %ifarch %{ix86} %setup -q -T -b %{?with_snap:10}%{?with_shared:2}0 -n %{name}-%{ver}-%{rel}-%{type}-qt.i386-en %endif %ifarch sparc sparc64 %setup -q -T -b %{?with_snap:10}%{?with_shared:2}1 -n %{name}-%{ver}-%{rel}-%{type}-qt.sparc-en %endif %ifarch ppc %setup -q -T -b %{?with_snap:10}%{?with_shared:2}2 -n %{name}-%{ver}-%{rel}-%{type}-qt.ppc-en %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/etc,%{_mandir}/man1,%{_pixmapsdir},%{_desktopdir}} cat install.sh | sed 's|/etc|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}|' > install2.sh mv install2.sh install.sh echo y |\ sh install.sh \ --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} \ --wrapperdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} \ --docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_operadocdir} \ --sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/opera \ --exec_prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/opera/bin \ --plugindir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_plugindir} # man install install man/opera.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 # wrapper correction sed s#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT## > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/opera2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/opera mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/opera2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/opera # install in kde etc. install images/opera.xpm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir} install %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir} # symlink który niweluje burkanie się opery :> #ln -sf %{_datadir}/opera/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/ #ln -sf %{_libdir}/opera $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/ sed -i -e "s#$RPM_BUILD_ROOT##g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/opera/java/*.policy # always use wrapper linked with libXm.so.3 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins/operamotifwrapper ln -sf operamotifwrapper-3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins/operamotifwrapper-2 ln -sf operamotifwrapper-3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins/operamotifwrapper-1 # %{_libdir} is not the best place for it but opera doesn't search for it in better # places :/ install lib/spellcheck.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc LICENSE bugreport help %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/* %dir %{_datadir}/opera %dir %{_datadir}/opera/bin %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/opera/bin/* %{_datadir}/opera/config %{_datadir}/opera/help %{_datadir}/opera/images %{_datadir}/opera/java %{_datadir}/opera/skin %{_datadir}/opera/styles %{_datadir}/opera/ini %{_datadir}/opera/search.ini %{_datadir}/opera/*.html %{_datadir}/opera/*.ssr %{_datadir}/opera/*.txt %ifarch %{ix86} %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/opera/chartables.bin %endif %ifarch ppc %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/opera/chartables-be.bin %endif %attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/opera/opera6.adr %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.so %dir %{_libdir}/opera %dir %{_plugindir} %attr(755,root,root) %{_plugindir}/* %dir %{_datadir}/opera/locale %{_datadir}/opera/locale/en %{_datadir}/opera/locale/english.lng %{_pixmapsdir}/opera.xpm %{_desktopdir}/*.desktop %{_mandir}/man1/opera.1*