## This is a configuration file for /etc/init.d/hhvm-fastcgi. ## Overwrite start up configuration of the hhvm-fastcgi service. ## ## This file is sourced by /bin/sh from /etc/init.d/hhvm-fastcgi. ## Configuration file location. ## Default: "/etc/hhvm/server.hdf" ## Examples: ## "/etc/hhvm/conf.d/fastcgi.hdf" Load configuration file from Debian/Ubuntu conf.d style location #CONFIG_FILE="/etc/hhvm/server.hdf" ## User to run the service as. ## Default: "http" ## Examples: ## "hhvm" Custom 'hhvm' user ## "nobody" RHEL/CentOS 'www-data' equivalent #RUN_AS_USER="http" ## Listen port of service. ## This is useful if the port is used by an other service like PHP-FPM. ## Default: "9000" #LISTEN_PORT="9000" ## Add additional arguments to the hhvm service start up. ## Default: "" ## Examples: ## "-vLog.Level=Debug" Enable debug log level ## "-vServer.DefaultDocument=app.php" Change the default document #ADDITIONAL_ARGS="" ## PID file location. ## Default: "/var/run/hhvm/hhvm-fcgi.pid" #PIDFILE="/var/run/hhvm/hhvm-fcgi.pid