#!/usr/bin/ruby # Android build system is complicated and does not allow to build # separate parts easily. # This script tries to mimic Android build rules. def expand(dir, files) files.map{|f| File.join(dir,f)} end # Compiles sources to *.o files. # Returns array of output *.o filenames def compile(sources, cflags) outputs = [] for s in sources ext = File.extname(s) case ext when '.c' cc = '${CC:-gcc}' lang_flags = '-std=gnu11 $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS' when '.cpp', '.cc' cc = '${CXX:-g++}' lang_flags = '-std=gnu++14 $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS' else raise "Unknown extension #{ext}" end output = s + '.o' outputs << output puts "#{cc} -o #{output} #{lang_flags} #{cflags} -c #{s}\n" end return outputs end # Links object files def link(output, objects, ldflags) puts "g++ -o #{output} #{ldflags} $LDFLAGS #{objects.join(' ')}" end minicryptfiles = %w( dsa_sig.c p256_ec.c rsa.c sha.c p256.c p256_ecdsa.c sha256.c ) libminicrypt = compile(expand('libmincrypt', minicryptfiles), '-Iinclude') adbdfiles = %w( adb.cpp adb_auth.cpp adb_io.cpp adb_listeners.cpp adb_utils.cpp sockets.cpp transport.cpp transport_local.cpp transport_usb.cpp services.cpp adb_trace.cpp get_my_path_linux.cpp usb_linux.cpp diagnose_usb.cpp adb_auth_host.cpp sysdeps_unix.cpp ) libadbd = compile(expand('adb', adbdfiles), '-DADB_REVISION=\"$PKGVER\" -DADB_HOST=1 -fpermissive -Iinclude -Ibase/include') adbshfiles = %w( fdevent.cpp shell_service.cpp shell_service_protocol.cpp ) libadbsh = compile(expand('adb', adbshfiles), '-DADB_REVISION=\"$PKGVER\" -DADB_HOST=0 -D_Nonnull= -D_Nullable= -fpermissive -Iadb -Iinclude -Ibase/include') adbfiles = %w( console.cpp commandline.cpp adb_client.cpp file_sync_client.cpp line_printer.cpp client/main.cpp ) libadb = compile(expand('adb', adbfiles), '-DADB_REVISION=\"$PKGVER\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DADB_HOST=1 -D_Nonnull= -D_Nullable= -fpermissive -Iadb -Iinclude -Ibase/include') basefiles = %w( file.cpp logging.cpp parsenetaddress.cpp stringprintf.cpp strings.cpp errors_unix.cpp ) libbase = compile(expand('base', basefiles), '-DADB_HOST=1 -D_GNU_SOURCE -Ibase/include -Iinclude') logfiles = %w( logger_write.c config_write.c logger_lock.c logger_name.c log_event_list.c log_event_write.c fake_log_device.c fake_writer.c ) liblog = compile(expand('liblog', logfiles), '-DLIBLOG_LOG_TAG=1005 -DFAKE_LOG_DEVICE=1 -D_GNU_SOURCE -Ilog/include -Iinclude') cutilsfiles = %w( load_file.c socket_inaddr_any_server_unix.c socket_local_client_unix.c socket_local_server_unix.c socket_loopback_client_unix.c socket_loopback_server_unix.c socket_network_client_unix.c threads.c sockets.cpp sockets_unix.cpp ) libcutils = compile(expand('libcutils', cutilsfiles), '-D_GNU_SOURCE -Iinclude') link('adb/adb', libbase + liblog + libcutils + libadbd + libadbsh + libadb, '-lrt -ldl -lpthread -lcrypto -lutil') fastbootfiles = %w( socket.cpp tcp.cpp udp.cpp protocol.cpp engine.cpp bootimg_utils.cpp fastboot.cpp util.cpp fs.cpp usb_linux.cpp util_linux.cpp ) libfastboot = compile(expand('fastboot', fastbootfiles), '-DFASTBOOT_REVISION=\"$PKGVER\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Iadb -Iinclude -Imkbootimg -Ibase/include -Ilibsparse/include -I../extras/ext4_utils -I../extras/f2fs_utils') sparsefiles = %w( backed_block.c output_file.c sparse.c sparse_crc32.c sparse_err.c sparse_read.c ) libsparse = compile(expand('libsparse', sparsefiles), '-Ilibsparse/include') zipfiles = %w( zip_archive.cc ) libzip = compile(expand('libziparchive', zipfiles), '-Ibase/include -Iinclude') utilfiles = %w( FileMap.cpp ) libutil = compile(expand('libutils', utilfiles), '-Iinclude') ext4files = %w( make_ext4fs.c ext4fixup.c ext4_utils.c allocate.c contents.c extent.c indirect.c sha1.c wipe.c crc16.c ext4_sb.c ) libext4 = compile(expand('../extras/ext4_utils', ext4files), '-Ilibsparse/include -Iinclude') link('fastboot/fastboot', libsparse + libzip + liblog + libutil + libcutils + libbase + libext4 + libfastboot + libadbsh + libadbd, '-lpthread -lselinux -lz -lcrypto -lutil') simg2imgfiles = %w( simg2img.c ) libsimg2img = compile(expand('libsparse', simg2imgfiles), '-Iinclude -Ilibsparse/include') link('libsparse/simg2img', libsparse + libsimg2img, '-lz') img2simgfiles = %w( img2simg.c ) libimg2simg = compile(expand('libsparse', img2simgfiles), '-Iinclude -Ilibsparse/include') link('libsparse/img2simg', libsparse + libimg2simg, '-lz')