# FIXME: find a way of getting rid of "-" on versions ... rpm will be happy Summary: High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server Summary(pl): Szybki i wysoce konfigurowalny serwer RADIUS. Name: freeradius Version: 0.1 Release: 0 URL: http://www.freeradius.org/ Copyright: GPL Group: Networking/Daemons Group(pl): Sieciowe/Demony Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig # FIXME: snmpwalk, snmpget and rusers POSSIBLY needed by checkrad Requires: libtool BuildRequires: libltdl-devel BuildRequires: openldap-devel #someone's help needed:split&test into %{name}-{mysql,pgsql,common,devel,static,ldap,pam?} hunter. BuildRequires: mysql-devel BuildRequires: postgresql-devel BuildRequires: pam-devel Obsoletes: cistron-radius Source0: freeradius-0.1.tar.gz %define _localstatedir /var/radius %define _make make # FIXME: won't be good to include these contrib examples? # Source1: http://www.ping.de/~fdc/radius/radacct-replay # Source2: http://www.ping.de/~fdc/radius/radlast-0.03 # Source3: ftp://ftp.freeradius.org/pub/radius/contrib/radwho.cgi BuildRoot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root %description The FreeRADIUS Server Project is an attempt to create a high-performance and highly configurable GPL'd RADIUS server. It is generally similar to the Livingston 2.0 RADIUS server, but has a lot more features, and is much more configurable. %description(pl) Projekt FreeRadius ma na celu stworzenie szybkiego i wysoce konfigurowalnego serwera RADIUS na licencji GPL. Ten jest podobny do Livingston 2.0 RADIUS server ale ma o wiele więcej ficzersów i jest bardziej podatny na konfigurację. %prep %setup -q # FIXME: some folks prefer -dist files ... rename them or not? #cd raddb #chmod 640 clients naspasswd radiusd.conf.in #cd .. %build CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" #libtoolize --copy --force #aclocal #autoconf #automake -a -c %configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --with-threads \ --with-thread-pool \ --with-gnu-ld \ --disable-ltdl-install %{_make} libtool --finish /usr/lib %install # prepare $RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{logrotate.d,pam.d,rc.d/init.d} # install files make install R=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT # done here & put noreplace in %files to avoid messing up existing installations for i in radutmp radwtmp radius.log radwatch.log checkrad.log do touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/$i echo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/$i #who the hell should own logfiles/ and what sgid should have radiusd ? # do we need /etc/shadow do be +r for wheel ? or better use PAM ? # Hunter done # remove unneeded stuff rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/{man/man8/builddbm.8,sbin/rc.radiusd} cd redhat install -m 555 rc.radiusd-redhat $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd install -m 644 radiusd-logrotate $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d/radiusd install -m 644 radiusd-pam $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/radius cd .. %preun if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --del radiusd.init fi %postin if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --add radiusd.init fi %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc doc/ChangeLog doc/README* todo/ COPYRIGHT INSTALL %config /etc/pam.d/radius %config /etc/logrotate.d/radiusd %config /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd %config /etc/raddb/* /usr/man/* /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /usr/lib/* %dir %{_localstatedir}/log/radacct/ %config(missingok noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/checkrad.log %config(missingok noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/radwatch.log %config(missingok noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/radius.log %config(missingok noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/radwtmp %config(missingok noreplace) %{_localstatedir}/log/radutmp %changelog * Fri Sep 22 2000 Bruno Lopes F. Cabral - spec file clear accordling to the libltdl fix and minor updates * Wed Sep 12 2000 Bruno Lopes F. Cabral - Updated to snapshot-12-Sep-00 * Fri Jun 16 2000 Bruno Lopes F. Cabral - Initial release