Summary: file(1) command Summary(de): Befehl file(1) Summary(fr): Commande file(1) Summary(pl): komenda file(1) Summary(tr): Dosya tipini belirleme aracı Name: file Version: 3.26 Release: 5 Copyright: distributable Group: Utilities/File Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: file.gimp Source2: file.xdelta Patch0: file-glibc.patch Patch1: file-sparcv9.patch Buildroot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root Conflicts: xdelta < 1.0.0 %description This package is useful for finding out what type of file you are looking at on your system. For example, if an fsck results in a file being stored in lost+found, you can run file on it to find out if it's safe to 'more' it or if it's a binary. It recognizes many file types, including ELF binaries, system libraries, RPM packages, and many different graphics formats. %description -l de Sie können dieses Paket verwenden, um zu bestimmen, welches Format eine bestimmte Datei hat. Wird durch fsck eine Datei in lost+found gespeichert, können Sie 'file' ausführen, um herauszufinden, ob Sie sie mit 'more' einsehen können, oder ob es sich um ein Binärprogramm handelt Das Programm erkennt u.a. ELF-Binärprogramme, System-Libraries, RPM-Pakete und viele Grafikformate. %description -l fr Ce paquetage sert à trouver le type du fichier que vous recherchez sur votre système. Par exemple, si un fsck fait qu'un fichier a été stocké dans lost+found, vous pouvez lancer file dessus pour savoir si on peut faire un more, ou s'il s'agit d'un binaire. Il reconnaît de nombreux types de fichiers dont les binaires ELF, les bibliothèques systèmes, les paquetages RPM et de nombreux formats graphiques différents. %description -l pl Pakiet ten jest przydatny je¿eli chcesz rozpoznaæ typ plików w twoim systemie. Na przyk³ad je¿eli fsck zdeponuje jakie¶ pliki w katalogu lost+found, mo¿esz uruchomiæ file na zdeponowanym pliku i zobaczyæ jaki to jest typ pliku, jest to metoda bezpieczniejsza ni¿ 'more', ze wzglêdu na to, ¿e to mo¿e byæ plik binarny. File potrafi rozpoznaæ wiele typów plików np. binarny ELF, biblioteki systemowe, pakiety RPM oraz wiele ró¿nych formatów graficznych i d¼wiêkowych. %description -l tr file, bir dosyayı inceleyerek ne tür bir dosya olduğu konusunda size bir fikir verebilir. Böylece uzantısından ve adından ne olduğunu çıkaramadığınız bir dosyayı hangi yazılım ile kullanabileceğinize ya da ne yapacağınıza karar verebilisiniz. file, temel dosya tiplerini, çoğu grafik formatını, çalıştırılabilir dosyaları, sistem kitaplıklarını vs. tanıyabilir. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 install %{SOURCE1} ./Magdir/gimp install %{SOURCE2} ./Magdir/xdelta %build CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-s" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make LDFLAGS="-s" %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man{1,4}/* %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) /usr/bin/file /usr/share/magic /usr/man/man[14]/* %changelog * Mon Apr 19 1999 Tomasz K³oczko [3.26-5] - new xdelta magic description, - added patch for sparcv9, - recompiles on new rpm. * Thu Mar 11 1999 Tomasz K³oczko [3.26-4] - removed man group from man pages. * Wed Dec 23 1998 Tomasz K³oczko [3.26-3] - added gzipping man pages, - added LDFLAGS="-s" make parameter. * Thu Nov 26 1998 Tomasz K³oczko [3.26-2] - updated file.xdelta from xdelta-1.0.0 and added "Conflicts: xdelta < 1.0.0". * Fri Sep 18 1998 Tomasz K³oczko [3.26-1] - added -q %setup parameter, - changed Buildroot to /tmp/%%{name}-%%{version}-root, - corrected group on man pages, - updated base Source Url to, - added xdelta magic, - added stripping /usr/bin/file, - removed %defattr, - added using %%{name} and %%{version} in Source. * Mon Aug 24 1998 Jeff Johnson [3.25-1] - update to 3.25. - detect gimp XCF versions. * Thu Jul 23 1998 Wojtek Slusarczyk [3.24-2] - build against glibc-2.1, - added pl translation, - moved %changelog at the end of spec. * Thu May 07 1998 Prospector System - translations modified for de, fr, tr * Wed Apr 08 1998 Erik Troan - updated to 3.24 - buildrooted * Mon Jun 02 1997 Erik Troan - built against glibc * Mon Mar 31 1997 Erik Troan Fixed problems caused by 64 bit time_t. * Thu Mar 06 1997 Michael K. Johnson Improved recognition of Linux kernel images.