# # Conditional build: # - protocols %bcond_without bittorrent # BitTorrent protocol support %bcond_without fsp # FSP support %bcond_without idn # Internation Domain Names support %bcond_without ipv6 # IPv6 support %bcond_with smb # smb protocol support (non-distib: recent libsmbclient is GPL v3) %bcond_with gnutls # GNUTLS-based SSL support (instead of openssl) %bcond_without openssl # OpenSSL-based SSL support # - content %bcond_without cgi # Local CGI support %bcond_with brotli # Brotli compression support %bcond_without js # experimental (yet quite usable) JavaScript support (using SpiderMonkey) %bcond_with lzma # LZMA support (old API, incompatible with xz-libs) # - scripting %bcond_with guile # Guile scripting support (non-distrib: guile 2 is LGPL v3+) %bcond_without lua # Lua scripting %bcond_without perl # Perl scripting %bcond_with python # Python scripting support %bcond_with ruby # (experimental) Ruby scripting support # - display and UI %bcond_without 256 # 256 colors support %bcond_without led # LEDs %bcond_without truecolor # true color %bcond_with olderisbetter # variuos pre-0.10.0 behaviour rules (typeahead and esc-esc) %bcond_with x # Use the X Window System # - misc %bcond_without verbose # verbose build (V=1) %if %{with gnutls} %undefine with_openssl %endif Summary: Experimantal Links (text WWW browser) Summary(es.UTF-8): El links es un browser para modo texto, similar a lynx Summary(pl.UTF-8): Eksperymentalny Links (tekstowa przeglądarka WWW) Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8): O links é um browser para modo texto, similar ao lynx Name: elinks Version: 0.13 %define snap 20180901 %define rel 5 Release: 4.%{snap}.%{rel} Epoch: 1 License: GPL v2 Group: Applications/Networking # github gives different archive on each download # http://www.elinks.cz/download/%{name}-current-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source0: http://elinks.cz/download/elinks-current-%{version}.tar.bz2 # Source0-md5: 6e45361ed14855ad02d3ae9b7a6ad809 Source1: %{name}.desktop Source2: links.png Patch0: %{name}-home_etc.patch Patch1: %{name}-lua40.patch Patch2: %{name}-date-format.patch Patch3: %{name}-old_incremental.patch Patch4: %{name}-0.10.0-0.9.3-typeahead-beginning.patch Patch5: %{name}-double-esc.patch Patch6: js187.patch URL: http://www.elinks.cz/ BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61 BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: bzip2-devel BuildRequires: expat-devel %{?with_fsp:BuildRequires: fsplib-devel} BuildRequires: gettext-tools %{?with_gnutls:BuildRequires: gnutls-devel >= 1.2.5} BuildRequires: gpm-devel %{?with_guile:BuildRequires: guile-devel} #BuildRequires: heimdal-devel %{?with_js:BuildRequires: js187-devel} %{?with_brotli:BuildRequires: libbrotli-devel} %{?with_idn:BuildRequires: libidn-devel} %{?with_smb:BuildRequires: libsmbclient-devel} %{?with_lua:BuildRequires: lua51-devel >= 5.1} %{?with_lzma:BuildRequires: lzma-devel} BuildRequires: ncurses-devel >= 5.1 %{?with_openssl:BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.7d} %{?with_perl:BuildRequires: perl-devel} BuildRequires: pkgconfig %{?with_python:BuildRequires: python-devel} %{?with_ruby:BuildRequires: ruby-devel} BuildRequires: tre-devel BuildRequires: which BuildRequires: zlib-devel Suggests: mailcap Provides: webclient BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define _sysconfdir /etc/elinks %define specflags_ia32 -fomit-frame-pointer %description This is the elinks tree - intended to provide feature-rich version of links, however not rock-stable and dedicated mainly for testing. Its purpose is to make alternative to links, until Mikulas will have some time to maintain it, and to test and tune various patches for Mikulas to be able to include them in the official links releases. %description -l es.UTF-8 Links es un browser WWW modo texto, similar al Lynx. El links muestra tablas, hace baja archivos en segundo plano, y usa conexiones HTTP/1.1 keepalive. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Bogata w opcje i możliwości wersja tekstowej przeglądarki WWW - links. elinks jednak jest dedykowana głównie do testowania. %description -l pt_BR.UTF-8 Links é um browser WWW modo texto, similar ao Lynx. O Links exibe tabelas, baixa arquivos em segundo plano, e usa as conexões HTTP/1.1 keepalive. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}-%{snap} %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %if %{with olderisbetter} %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 -p1 %endif %patch6 -p1 %build cp -f /usr/share/automake/config.sub config %{__aclocal} %{__autoconf} %{__autoheader} %configure \ %{?with_bittorrent:--enable-bittorrent} \ %{?with_cgi:--enable-cgi} \ --enable-88-colors \ %{?with_256:--enable-256-colors} \ %{?with_truecolor:--enable-true-color} \ --enable-exmode \ %{?debug:--enable-debug} \ %{!?debug:--enable-fastmem} \ --enable-finger \ %{?with_fsp:--enable-fsp} \ --enable-gopher \ --enable-html-highlight \ %{!?with_ipv6:--disable-ipv6} \ %{?with_leds:--enable-leds} \ --enable-marks \ --enable-nntp \ --disable-no-root \ %{?with_smb:--enable-smb} \ %{!?with_brotli:--without-brotli} \ --without-gc \ %{?with_gnutls:--with-gnutls} \ %{?with_guile:--with-guile} \ %{!?with_idn:--without-idn} \ %{!?with_lua:--without-lua} \ %{!?with_lzma:--without-lzma} \ %{!?with_openssl:--without-openssl} \ %{?with_perl:--with-perl} \ %{?with_python:--with-python} \ %{?with_ruby:--with-ruby} \ %{!?with_js:--without-spidermonkey} \ --with-x%{!?with_x:=no} # xterm -e is default, one might want to change it to something else: # --with-xterm="xterm -e" %{__make} %{?with_verbose:V=1} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_sysconfdir},%{_pixmapsdir}} %{__make} install %{?with_verbose:V=1} \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/locale.alias cp -a %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir} cp -a %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}/%{name}.png %{?with_lua:install contrib/lua/*.lua $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}} %find_lang %{name} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc AUTHORS BUGS ChangeLog NEWS README SITES TODO doc/html/*.html %doc contrib/{keybind*,wipe-out-ssl*,lua/elinks-remote} contrib/conv/{*awk,*.pl,*.sh} %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/elinks %{_mandir}/man1/elinks.1* %{_mandir}/man5/elinks.conf.5* %{_mandir}/man5/elinkskeys.5* %{_desktopdir}/elinks.desktop %{_pixmapsdir}/elinks.png %if %{with lua} %dir %{_sysconfdir} %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/*.lua %endif