# conditional build: # _without_embed - don't build uClibc version Summary: Tools for the second extended (ext2) filesystem Summary(de): Tools für das zweite erweiterte (ext2) Dateisystem Summary(fr): Outils pour le système de fichiers ext2 Summary(pl): Narzêdzia do systemu plikowego ext2 Summary(tr): ext2 dosya sistemi için araçlar Name: e2fsprogs Version: 1.25 Release: 3 License: GPL Group: Applications/System Group(de): Applikationen/System Group(pl): Aplikacje/System Source0: ftp://download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/e2fsprogs/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: http://opensource.captech.com/e2compr/ftp/e2compr-0.4.texinfo.gz Source2: http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/homepages/ankry/man-PLD/%{name}-non-english-man-pages.tar.bz2 Patch0: %{name}-info.patch Patch1: e2compr-info.patch Patch2: %{name}-mountlabel3.patch URL: http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ PreReq: /sbin/ldconfig BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: gettext-devel %if %{!?_without_embed:1}%{?_without_embed:0} BuildRequires: uClibc-devel BuildRequires: uClibc-static %endif %define embed_path /usr/lib/embed %define embed_cc %{_arch}-uclibc-cc %define embed_cflags %{rpmcflags} -Os %define uclibc_prefix /usr/%{_arch}-linux-uclibc %description The e2fsprogs package contains a number of utilities for creating, checking, modifying and correcting any inconsistencies in second extended (ext2) filesystems. E2fsprogs contains e2fsck (used to repair filesystem inconsistencies after an unclean shutdown), mke2fs (used to initialize a partition to contain an empty ext2 filesystem), debugfs (used to examine the internal structure of a filesystem, to manually repair a corrupted filesystem or to create test cases for e2fsck), tune2fs (used to modify filesystem parameters) and most of the other core ext2fs filesystem utilities. %description -l de Dieses Paket enthält eine Auswahl an Utilities zum Erstellen, Prüfen und zur Instandsetzung von ext2-Dateisystemen. %description -l fr Ce package contient de nombreux utilitaires pour créer, vérifier, et réparer les systèmes de fichiers ext2. %description -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera narzêdzia do tworzenia, sprawdzania i naprawiania wolumenów dyskowych z systemem plikowym ext2. E2fsprogs zawiera e2fsck (u¿ywany do naprawiania niespójno¶ci w systemie plikowym po niepoprawnym zamkniêciu systemu), mke2fs (u¿ywany do inicjacji wolumenów ext2), debugfs (¿ywany do sprawdzania wewnêtrznej struktury wolumenów ext2, a tak¿e do rêcznego naprawiania b³êdów), tune2fs (u¿ywany do modyfikacji parametrów wolumenów ext2) i kilka innych narzêdzi do ext2. %description -l tr Bu paket, ext2 dosya sistemlerini yaratmak, onarmak, kontrol etmek ve bazý parametrelerini deðiþtirmek için gerekli yazýlýmlarý içerir. %package devel Summary: e2fs header files Summary(de): Header-Dateien für eine e2fs Summary(pl): Pliki nag³ówkowe do bibliotek e2fs Group: Development/Libraries Group(de): Entwicklung/Libraries Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅËÉ Group(uk): òÏÚÒÏÂËÁ/â¦Â̦ÏÔÅËÉ Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description devel E2fsprogs-devel contains header files and documentation needed to develop second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs. %description devel -l de Header-Dateien, die zur Entwicklung von ext2-Dateisystemspezifischen Programmen erforderlich sind. %description devel -l pl Pliki nag³ówkowe i dokumentacja niezbêdne do tworzenia programów obs³uguj±cych e2fs. %package static Summary: e2fs static libraries Summary(de): e2fs statische Libraries Summary(pl): Biblioteki statyczne do obs³ugi e2fs Group: Development/Libraries Group(de): Entwicklung/Libraries Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅËÉ Group(uk): òÏÚÒÏÂËÁ/â¦Â̦ÏÔÅËÉ Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version} %description static Static libraries files needed to develop ext2 filesystem-specific programs statically linked with e2progs libs. %description static -l de Libraries zur Entwicklung von ext2-Dateisystemspezifischen Programmen erforderlich sind. %description static -l pl Biblioteki statyczne do ob³ugi e2fs niezbêdne do kompilacji programów statycznie skonsolidowanych (linkowanych) z bibliotekami do e2fs. %package embed Summary: e2fs for bootdisk Summary(pl): e2fs na bootkietkê Group: Applications/System Group(de): Applikationen/System Group(pl): Aplikacje/System %description embed The e2fsprogs package contains a number of utilities for creating, checking, modifying and correcting any inconsistencies in second extended (ext2) filesystems. Bootdisk version. %description embed -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera narzêdzia do tworzenia, sprawdzania i naprawiania wolumenów dyskowych z systemem plikowym ext2. Wersja przeznaczona na bootkietkê. %package devel-embed Summary: e2fs header files for bootdisk Summary(de): Header-Dateien für eine e2fs Summary(pl): Pliki nag³ówkowe do bibliotek e2fs Group: Development/Libraries Group(de): Entwicklung/Libraries Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅËÉ Group(uk): òÏÚÒÏÂËÁ/â¦Â̦ÏÔÅËÉ %description devel-embed e2fsprogs-devel-embed contand header files and documentation needed to develop second extended (ext2) filesystem-specific programs. Bootdisk version. %description devel-embed -l pl Pakiet e2fsprogs-devel-embed zawiera pliki nag³ówkowe oraz dokumentacjê niezbêdne do tworzenia oprogramowania zwi±zanego z systemem plików ext2. Wersja przeznaczona na bootkietkê. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 gunzip < %{SOURCE1} > doc/e2compr.texinfo patch -s -p1 < %{PATCH1} %patch2 -p1 %build chmod u+w configure aclocal.m4 gettextize --copy --force aclocal autoconf %if %{!?_without_embed:1}%{?_without_embed:0} %configure \ --with-root-prefix=/ \ --disable-nls \ --enable-compression \ --enable-all-static \ --disable-fsck \ --with-cc=%{embed_cc} \ --with-ccopts="%{embed_cflags}" %{__make} libs %{__make} progs mv e2fsck/e2fsck e2fsck-embed-shared for i in badblocks mke2fs; do mv misc/$i $i-embed-shared done %{__make} progs ALL_LDFLAGS="-static" mv e2fsck/e2fsck e2fsck-embed-static for i in badblocks mke2fs; do mv misc/$i $i-embed-static done mkdir embed-libs cp lib/*.a embed-libs %{__make} distclean %endif %configure \ --with-root-prefix=/ \ --enable-nls \ --enable-elf-shlibs \ --enable-compression \ %{?_without_static:--enable-dynamic-e2fsck} \ --enable-fsck %{__make} libs progs docs cd doc makeinfo --no-split e2compr.texinfo cd .. %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT export PATH=/sbin:$PATH %{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install-libs DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} -C po install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if %{!?_without_embed:1}%{?_without_embed:0} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{embed_path}/{shared,static} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{uclibc_prefix}/{include,lib} for i in badblocks mke2fs e2fsck; do install $i-embed-shared $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{embed_path}/shared/$i install $i-embed-static $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{embed_path}/static/$i done cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{uclibc_prefix}/include cp embed-libs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{uclibc_prefix}/lib %endif ln -sf e2fsck $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/fsck.ext2 ln -sf e2fsck $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/fsck.ext3 ln -sf mke2fs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mkfs.ext2 install doc/e2compr.info $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir} bzip2 -dc %{SOURCE2} | tar xf - -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} %find_lang %{name} %post /sbin/ldconfig [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %postun /sbin/ldconfig [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %post devel [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %postun devel [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) /sbin/* %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/* %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/* %attr(755,root,root) /lib/lib*.so.* %{_mandir}/man[18]/* %lang(fi) %{_mandir}/fi/man[18]/* %lang(fr) %{_mandir}/fr/man[18]/* %lang(hu) %{_mandir}/hu/man[18]/* %lang(it) %{_mandir}/it/man[18]/* %lang(ja) %{_mandir}/ja/man[18]/* %lang(ko) %{_mandir}/ko/man[18]/* %lang(pl) %{_mandir}/pl/man[18]/* %{_datadir}/et %{_datadir}/ss %{_infodir}/e2compr.info* %files devel %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc README RELEASE-NOTES %{_infodir}/libext2fs.info* %{_mandir}/man3/* %lang(ja) %{_mandir}/ja/man3/* %{_includedir}/* %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so %files static %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_libdir}/lib*.a %if %{!?_without_embed:1}%{?_without_embed:0} %files embed %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) %{embed_path}/*/* %files devel-embed %{uclibc_prefix}/include/* %{uclibc_prefix}/lib/* %endif