# $Id$ # Sample /etc/devfsd.conf configuration file. # Richard Gooch 3-FEB-2000 # # Enable full compatibility mode for old device names. You may comment these # out if you don't use the old device names. Make sure you know what you're # doing! REGISTER .* MKOLDCOMPAT UNREGISTER .* RMOLDCOMPAT # You may comment out the above and uncomment the following if you've # configured your system to use the original "new" devfs names or the really # new names #REGISTER vc/.* MKOLDCOMPAT #UNREGISTER vc/.* RMOLDCOMPAT #REGISTER pty/.* MKOLDCOMPAT #UNREGISTER pty/.* RMOLDCOMPAT #REGISTER misc MKOLDCOMPAT #UNREGISTER misc RMOLDCOMPAT # You may comment these out if you don't use the original "new" names REGISTER .* MKNEWCOMPAT UNREGISTER .* RMNEWCOMPAT # Permissions settings REGISTER ^printers/.* PERMISSIONS root.lp 660 REGISTER ^ide/host.*/bus.*/target.*/lun.*/.* PERMISSIONS root.disk 660 REGISTER ^ide/rd/.* PERMISSIONS root.disk 660 REGISTER ^ide/vc/.* PERMISSIONS root.tty 600 REGISTER ^ide/tts/.* PERMISSIONS root.ttyS 600 # Autoload modules LOOKUP .* MODLOAD # Setup your links here: #LOOKUP ^mouse$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink ${mntpnt}/tts/0 $devpath #LOOKUP ^cdrom$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink ${mntpnt}/cdroms/cdrom0 $devpath #LOOKUP ^dvd$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink ${mntpnt}/cdroms/cdrom0 $devpath