# # Conditional build: %bcond_without lcd # without LCD subpixel color filtering (Microsoft patents in USA) %bcond_without harfbuzz # harfbuzz based autohinting # %define realname freetype Summary: TrueType font rasterizer - MinGW32 cross version Summary(pl.UTF-8): Rasteryzer fontów TrueType - wersja skrośna dla MinGW32 Name: crossmingw32-%{realname} Version: 2.6 Release: 2 License: GPL v2 or FTL Group: Development/Libraries Source0: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/%{realname}-%{version}.tar.bz2 # Source0-md5: 5682890cb0267f6671dd3de6eabd3e69 URL: http://www.freetype.org/ BuildRequires: crossmingw32-bzip2 BuildRequires: crossmingw32-gcc %{?with_harfbuzz:BuildRequires: crossmingw32-harfbuzz >= 0.9.19} BuildRequires: crossmingw32-libpng BuildRequires: crossmingw32-zlib >= 1.2.3-2 BuildRequires: pkgconfig >= 1:0.24 BuildRequires: python Requires: crossmingw32-bzip2 %{?with_harfbuzz:Requires: crossmingw32-harfbuzz >= 0.9.19} Requires: crossmingw32-libpng Requires: crossmingw32-zlib >= 1.2.3-2 BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define specflags_ia32 -fomit-frame-pointer # see , the real horror %define specflags -fno-strict-aliasing %define no_install_post_strip 1 %define target i386-mingw32 %define target_platform i386-pc-mingw32 %define _sysprefix /usr %define _prefix %{_sysprefix}/%{target} %define _libdir %{_prefix}/lib %define _pkgconfigdir %{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig %define _dlldir /usr/share/wine/windows/system %define __cc %{target}-gcc %define __cxx %{target}-g++ %define __pkgconfig_provides %{nil} %define __pkgconfig_requires %{nil} %ifnarch %{ix86} # arch-specific flags (like alpha's -mieee) are not valid for i386 gcc %define optflags -O2 %endif # -z options are invalid for mingw linker, most of -f options are Linux-specific %define filterout_ld -Wl,-z,.* %define filterout_c -f[-a-z0-9=]* %description The FreeType engine is a free and portable TrueType font rendering engine. It has been developed to provide TrueType support to a great variety of platforms and environments. Note that FreeType is a *library*. It is not a font server for your favorite platform, even though it was designed to be used in many of them. Note also that it is *not* a complete text-rendering library. Its purpose is simply to open and manage font files, as well as load, hint and render individual glyphs efficiently. You can also see it as a "TrueType driver" for a higher-level library, though rendering text with it is extremely easy, as demo-ed by the test programs. This package contains the cross version for Win32. %description -l pl.UTF-8 FreeType jest biblioteką służącą do rasteryzacji fontów TrueType. Jest to jedynie biblioteka, a nie serwer fontów, chociaż została ona zaprojektowana do używania także w takich serwerach. Nie jest to też kompletna biblioteka do rasteryzacji tekstu. Jej celem jest tylko odczytywanie i zarządzanie plikami z fontami oraz wczytywanie i wykonywanie hintingu i rasteryzacji poszczególnych glifów. Może być także uważana za "sterownik TrueType" dla bibliotek wyższego poziomu, jednak użycie samej biblioteki FreeType do rasteryzacji jest bardzo proste, co można zobaczyć w programach demonstracyjnych. Ten pakiet zawiera wersję skrośną dla Win32. %package static Summary: Static freetype library (cross MinGW32 version) Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczna biblioteka freetype (wersja skrośna MinGW32) Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description static Static freetype library (cross MinGW32 version). %description static -l pl.UTF-8 Statyczna biblioteka freetype (wersja skrośna MinGW32). %package dll Summary: DLL freetype library for Windows Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka DLL freetype dla Windows Group: Applications/Emulators Requires: crossmingw32-bzip2-dll %{?with_harfbuzz:Requires: crossmingw32-harfbuzz-dll >= 0.9.19} Requires: crossmingw32-libpng-dll Requires: crossmingw32-zlib-dll Requires: wine %description dll DLL freetype library for Windows. %description dll -l pl.UTF-8 Biblioteka DLL freetype dla Windows. %prep %setup -q -n %{realname}-%{version} %build export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=%{_pkgconfigdir} CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} \ %{?with_lcd:-DFT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING} \ -DTT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING \ " \ %configure \ LIBPNG_CFLAGS="$(pkg-config --cflags libpng)" \ LIBPNG_LDFLAGS="$(pkg-config --libs libpng)" \ --target=%{target} \ --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \ --host=%{target} \ --enable-shared \ %{!?with_harfbuzz:--without-harfbuzz} %{__make} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_dlldir} %{__mv} -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/bin/*.dll $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_dlldir} %if 0%{!?debug:1} %{target}-strip --strip-unneeded -R.comment -R.note $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_dlldir}/*.dll %{target}-strip -g -R.comment -R.note $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a %endif %{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/freetype-config \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/freetype-config.1 %{__rm} -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/aclocal %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc docs/{CHANGES,FTL.TXT,LICENSE.TXT,TODO,formats.txt,raster.txt} %{_libdir}/libfreetype.dll.a %{_libdir}/libfreetype.la %{_includedir}/freetype2 %{_pkgconfigdir}/freetype2.pc %files static %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_libdir}/libfreetype.a %files dll %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_dlldir}/libfreetype-*.dll