# TODO # - cleanup dead links from /etc/openssl/certs after -update uninstall # - deal with removed (renamed) certs on upgrade (as new config is created as # .rpmnew). create some merge tool (or split /etc/ca-certificates.conf to # /etc/ca-certificates.d): http://pastebin.com/04hZd2x0 # # - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=549701 and # http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.security.policy/browse_thread/thread/b6493a285ba79998# # - add certs noted in TODO file # Summary: Common CA Certificates PEM files Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki PEM popularnych certyfikatów CA Name: ca-certificates Version: 20120212 Release: 1 License: distributable Group: Libraries Source0: ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/c/ca-certificates/%{name}_%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: 391dea8d827db935ca0d0d1e6641bf23 Source1: https://www.verisign.com/support/thawte-roots.zip # Source1-md5: a3709cc0279ef3fca4f86ea775066b18 Source2: http://www.certum.pl/keys/CA.pem # Source2-md5: 35610177afc9c64e70f1ce62c1885496 Source3: http://www.certum.pl/keys/level1.pem # Source3-md5: ba2d2e234ef9cfd2e6e5f810c964862e Source4: http://www.certum.pl/keys/level2.pem # Source4-md5: d06578a04e8cb23071f3870430ea0cf0 Source5: http://www.certum.pl/keys/level3.pem # Source5-md5: 47b67c63a52236576fc0d1150327c962 Source6: http://www.certum.pl/keys/level4.pem # Source6-md5: f1f8a65d177745311a1e99f029ae5d71 Source7: http://www.certum.pl/keys/vs.pem # Source7-md5: 8da19ffc48c5dcc2868b1aa55f1d5983 Source8: http://www.certum.pl/keys/na.pem # Source8-md5: ba571cb35e7672ff7ae95132ac1bfec4 Source9: http://www.certum.pl/keys/tsa.pem # Source9-md5: 1a7b3faf8ed00f4d80297de74862e102 Source10: http://www.certum.pl/keys/class1.pem # Source10-md5: 058436b132ea2df6972821f546104a16 Source11: http://www.certum.pl/keys/class2.pem # Source11-md5: 5caf7fe99b1fc6e63c40b3d081711d1b Source12: http://www.certum.pl/keys/class3.pem # Source12-md5: 07bc97e21da092ba53535c7379e1b58b Source13: http://www.certum.pl/keys/class4.pem # Source13-md5: 99ef61d509539af89f1c025b67245965 Source14: http://crt.tcs.terena.org/TERENASSLCA.crt # Source14-md5: f62cd1546a8ef14e31ba1ce8eecd234a Source15: http://crt.tcs.terena.org/TERENAeScienceSSLCA.crt # Source15-md5: 5feea35ab01a373f115219706f1f57bd Source16: http://crt.tcs.terena.org/TERENAPersonalCA.crt # Source16-md5: 53eaa497c8fb0b79f14fe9f69693689a Source17: http://crt.tcs.terena.org/TERENAeSciencePersonalCA.crt # Source17-md5: e25cc655d3ebe920ca9c187e3dde9191 Source18: http://crt.tcs.terena.org/TERENACodeSigningCA.crt # Source18-md5: 74c9f511ab03a4e6b7462e310abfa89b Source19: http://www.sk.ee/upload/files/JUUR-SK.PEM.cer # Source19-md5: 805784c06c9eff3771a4b9bd631cd3f5 Source20: http://www.sk.ee/upload/files/ESTEID-SK.PEM.cer # Source20-md5: 387beee5b8539ab7d91628f486295899 Source21: http://www.sk.ee/upload/files/ESTEID-SK%202007.PEM.cer#/ESTEID-SK_2007.PEM.cer # Source21-md5: 2b1a2a77f565d68fdf5f19f6cc3a5600 Source22: http://www.sk.ee/upload/files/ESTEID-SK%202011.pem.cer#/ESTEID-SK_2011.pem.cer # Source22-md5: cfcc1e592cb0ff305158a7e32730546c Patch0: %{name}-undebianize.patch Patch1: %{name}-more-certs.patch Patch2: %{name}-etc-certs.patch Patch3: %{name}-c_rehash.sh.patch Patch4: %{name}-endline.patch Patch5: %{name}-mozilla.patch Patch6: %{name}-DESTDIR.patch URL: http://www.cacert.org/ BuildRequires: openssl-tools BuildRequires: python BuildRequires: python-modules BuildRequires: rpm >= 4.4.9-56 BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0 BuildRequires: unzip Obsoletes: certificates BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define certsdir /etc/certs %if "%{pld_release}" == "th" %define openssldir /etc/openssl/certs %else %define openssldir /var/lib/openssl/certs %endif %description Common CA Certificates PEM files. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Pliki PEM popularnych certyfikatów CA. %package update Summary: Script for updating CA Certificates database Summary(pl.UTF-8): Skrypt do odświeżania bazy certyfikatów CA Group: Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: mktemp %if "%{pld_release}" == "ac" Requires: openssl-tools >= 0.9.7m-2 %else Requires: openssl-tools >= 0.9.8i-3 %endif %description update Script and data for updating CA Certificates database. %description update -l pl.UTF-8 Skrypt i dane do odświeżania bazy certyfikatów CA. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 %{__sed} -i -e 's,@openssldir@,%{openssldir},' sbin/update-ca-certificates* %{__unzip} -qq %{SOURCE1} -d thawte find thawte/ -name *.pem -o -name *.txt| while read f ; do if (file "$f" | grep -q "PEM"); then ff=$(echo $f | sed -e 's|[ ,]|_|g' -e 's|[()]|=|g') nname=$(basename "$ff" .pem) nname=$(basename "$nname" .txt) nname=$(basename "$nname" _b64) cp -pi "$f" "thawte/${nname}.crt" else echo "Skipping $f, doesn't look like PEM CERT" fi done install -d certum cp -pi %{SOURCE2} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE3} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE4} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE5} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE6} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE7} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE8} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE9} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE10} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE11} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE12} certum cp -pi %{SOURCE13} certum for a in certum/*.pem; do mv -i "$a" "${a%.pem}.crt" done install -d terena openssl x509 -inform DER -in %{SOURCE14} -outform PEM -out terena/$(basename %{SOURCE14}) openssl x509 -inform DER -in %{SOURCE15} -outform PEM -out terena/$(basename %{SOURCE15}) openssl x509 -inform DER -in %{SOURCE16} -outform PEM -out terena/$(basename %{SOURCE16}) openssl x509 -inform DER -in %{SOURCE17} -outform PEM -out terena/$(basename %{SOURCE17}) openssl x509 -inform DER -in %{SOURCE18} -outform PEM -out terena/$(basename %{SOURCE18}) # http://www.sk.ee/en/Repository/certs/rootcertificates # JUUR-SK, ESTEID-SK and ESTEID-SK 2007, ESTEID-SK 2011 install -d esteid cp -pi %{SOURCE19} esteid cp -pi %{SOURCE20} esteid cp -pi %{SOURCE21} esteid/ESTEID-SK_2007.crt cp -pi %{SOURCE22} esteid/ESTEID-SK_2011.crt for a in esteid/*.PEM.cer; do mv -i "$a" "${a%.PEM.cer}.crt" done %build %{__make} # We have those and more in specific dirs rm mozilla/{Thawte,thawte,Certum,IGC_A,Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2,Juur-SK}*.crt # See TODO # rm mozilla/RSA_Security_1024_v3.crt %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_datadir}/%{name},%{_sbindir},%{certsdir}} %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ca-certificates -name '*.crt' -exec sed -i -e 's/\r$//' {} \; ( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/ca-certificates find . -name '*.crt' | sort | cut -b3- ) > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ca-certificates.conf # build %{certsdir}/ca-certificates.crt install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{openssldir} ./sbin/update-ca-certificates --destdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{openssldir} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post update %{_sbindir}/update-ca-certificates --fresh || : %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc debian/README.Debian debian/changelog %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{certsdir}/ca-certificates.crt %files update %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/update-ca-certificates %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/ca-certificates.conf %{_datadir}/ca-certificates