$Id$ Important: - don't set any flags automatically; always follow user suggestion (multicast, arp) - merge baggins changes in atm-rc (added support for RFC1483/2684 Bridged protocol) - LVM on DMRAID device isn't started at bootup (missing vchange -ay somewhere) - killproc() sucks and has no consistency, error reporting you'll never know which side of PROCNAME you should add the --waitforname or -SIGNAL args because if you put -SIGNAL at wrong side of PROGNAME it will enter infinitive loop: killproc -TERM --waitforname slapd --waitfortime 300 slapd if you put --waitforname at wrong side, it will just ignore them: killproc slapd -TERM --waitforname slapd --waitfortime 300 while correct would be: killproc --waitforname slapd --waitfortime 300 slapd -TERM Not realy important but maybe nice: - Add checking for privileges during restarting and if they are not enough say fuck off in a nice way. Other: - maybe merge ATM rc scripts We are waiting for suggestions. serial is broken with this diff: http://svn.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/viewsvn/rc-scripts/trunk/rc.d/init.d/functions?r1=7767&r2=7768&p1=rc-scripts/trunk/rc.d/init.d/functions&p2=rc-scripts/trunk/rc.d/init.d/functions