]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/bigsister.git/blob - bigsister.mibs.txt
- full database MiB for bigsister
[packages/bigsister.git] / bigsister.mibs.txt
1 # MIB-2
2 mib-2
3 system
4 interfaces
5 at
6 ip
7 icmp
8 tcp
9 udp
10 egp
11 transmission
12 snmp
13 sysDescr
14 sysObjectID
15 sysUpTime
16 sysContact
17 sysName
18 sysLocation
19 sysServices
20 ifNumber
21 ifTable
22 ifEntry
23 ifIndex
24 ifDescr
25 ifType
26 ifMtu
27 ifSpeed
28 ifPhysAddress
29 ifAdminStatus
30 ifOperStatus
31 ifLastChange
32 ifInOctets
33 ifInUcastPkts
34 ifInNUcastPkts
35 ifInDiscards
36 ifInErrors
37 ifInUnknownProtos
38 ifOutOctets
39 ifOutUcastPkts
40 ifOutNUcastPkts
41 ifOutDiscards
42 ifOutErrors
43 ifOutQLen
44 ifSpecific
45 atTable
46 atEntry
47 atIfIndex
48 atPhysAddress
49 atNetAddress
50 ipForwarding
51 ipDefaultTTL
52 ipInReceives
53 ipInHdrErrors
54 ipInAddrErrors
55 ipForwDatagrams
56 ipInUnknownProtos
57 ipInDiscards
58 ipInDelivers
59 ipOutRequests
60 ipOutDiscards
61 ipOutNoRoutes
62 ipReasmTimeout
63 ipReasmReqds
64 ipReasmOKs
65 ipReasmFails
66 ipFragOKs
67 ipFragFails
68 ipFragCreates
69 ipAddrTable
70 ipAddrEntry
71 ipAdEntAddr
72 ipAdEntIfIndex
73 ipAdEntNetMask
74 ipAdEntBcastAddr
75 ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
76 ipRouteTable
77 ipRouteEntry
78 ipRouteDest
79 ipRouteIfIndex
80 ipRouteMetric1
81 ipRouteMetric2
82 ipRouteMetric3
83 ipRouteMetric4
84 ipRouteNextHop
85 ipRouteType
86 ipRouteProto
87 ipRouteAge
88 ipRouteMask
89 ipRouteMetric5
90 ipRouteInfo
91 ipNetToMediaTable
92 ipNetToMediaEntry
93 ipNetToMediaIfIndex
94 ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
95 ipNetToMediaNetAddress
96 ipNetToMediaType
97 ipRoutingDiscards
98 icmpInMsgs
99 icmpInErrors
100 icmpInDestUnreachs
101 icmpInTimeExcds
102 icmpInParmProbs
103 icmpInSrcQuenchs
104 icmpInRedirects
105 icmpInEchos
106 icmpInEchoReps
107 icmpInTimestamps
108 icmpInTimestampReps
109 icmpInAddrMasks
110 icmpInAddrMaskReps
111 icmpOutMsgs
112 icmpOutErrors
113 icmpOutDestUnreachs
114 icmpOutTimeExcds
115 icmpOutParmProbs
116 icmpOutSrcQuenchs
117 icmpOutRedirects
118 icmpOutEchos
119 icmpOutEchoReps
120 icmpOutTimestamps
121 icmpOutTimestampReps
122 icmpOutAddrMasks
123 icmpOutAddrMaskReps
124 tcpRtoAlgorithm
125 tcpRtoMin
126 tcpRtoMax
127 tcpMaxConn
128 tcpActiveOpens
129 tcpPassiveOpens
130 tcpAttemptFails
131 tcpEstabResets
132 tcpCurrEstab
133 tcpInSegs
134 tcpOutSegs
135 tcpRetransSegs
136 tcpConnTable
137 tcpConnEntry
138 tcpConnState
139 tcpConnLocalAddress
140 tcpConnLocalPort
141 tcpConnRemAddress
142 tcpConnRemPort
143 tcpInErrs
144 tcpOutRsts
145 udpInDatagrams
146 udpNoPorts
147 udpInErrors
148 udpOutDatagrams
149 udpTable
150 udpEntry
151 udpLocalAddress
152 udpLocalPort
153 host
154 hrSystem
155 hrStorage
156 hrDevice
157 hrSWRun
158 hrSWRunPerf
159 hrSWInstalled
160 hrStorageTypes
161 hrStorageOther
162 hrStorageRam
163 hrStorageVirtualMemory
164 hrStorageFixedDisk
165 hrStorageRemovableDisk
166 hrStorageFloppyDisk
167 hrStorageCompactDisc
168 hrStorageRamDisk
169 hrDeviceTypes
170 hrDeviceOther
171 hrDeviceUnknown
172 hrDeviceProcessor
173 hrDeviceNetwork
174 hrDevicePrinter
175 hrDeviceDiskStorage
176 hrDeviceVideo
177 hrDeviceAudio
178 hrDeviceCoprocessor
179 hrDeviceKeyboard
180 hrDeviceModem
181 hrDeviceParallelPort
182 hrDevicePointing
183 hrDeviceSerialPort
184 hrDeviceTape
185 hrDeviceClock
186 hrDeviceVolatileMemory
187 hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory
188 hrFSTypes
189 hrFSOther
190 hrFSUnknown
191 hrFSBerkeleyFFS
192 hrFSSys5FS
193 hrFSFat
194 hrFSHPFS
195 hrFSHFS
196 hrFSMFS
197 hrFSNTFS
198 hrFSVNode
199 hrFSJournaled
200 hrFSiso9660
201 hrFSRockRidge
202 hrFSNFS
203 hrFSNetware
204 hrFSAFS
205 hrFSDFS
206 hrFSAppleshare
207 hrFSRFS
209 hrFSBFS
210 hrSystemUptime
211 hrSystemDate
212 hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
213 hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
214 hrSystemNumUsers
215 hrSystemProcesses
216 hrSystemMaxProcesses
217 hrMemorySize
218 hrStorageTable
219 hrStorageEntry
220 hrStorageIndex
221 hrStorageType
222 hrStorageDescr
223 hrStorageAllocationUnits
224 hrStorageSize
225 hrStorageUsed
226 hrStorageAllocationFailures
227 hrDeviceTable
228 hrDeviceEntry
229 hrDeviceIndex
230 hrDeviceType
231 hrDeviceDescr
232 hrDeviceID
233 hrDeviceStatus
234 hrDeviceErrors
235 hrProcessorTable
236 hrProcessorEntry
237 hrProcessorFrwID
238 hrProcessorLoad
239 hrNetworkTable
240 hrNetworkEntry
241 hrNetworkIfIndex
242 hrPrinterTable
243 hrPrinterEntry
244 hrPrinterStatus
245 hrPrinterDetectedErrorState
246 hrDiskStorageTable
247 hrDiskStorageEntry
248 hrDiskStorageAccess
249 hrDiskStorageMedia
250 hrDiskStorageRemoveble
251 hrDiskStorageCapacity
252 hrPartitionTable
253 hrPartitionEntry
254 hrPartitionIndex
255 hrPartitionLabel
256 hrPartitionID
257 hrPartitionSize
258 hrPartitionFSIndex
259 hrFSTable
260 hrFSEntry
261 hrFSIndex
262 hrFSMountPoint
263 hrFSRemoteMountPoint
264 hrFSType
265 hrFSAccess
266 hrFSBootable
267 hrFSStorageIndex
268 hrFSLastFullBackupDate
269 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
270 hrSWOSIndex
271 hrSWRunTable
272 hrSWRunEntry
273 hrSWRunIndex
274 hrSWRunName
275 hrSWRunID
276 hrSWRunPath
277 hrSWRunParameters
278 hrSWRunType
279 hrSWRunStatus
280 hrSWRunPerfTable
281 hrSWRunPerfEntry
282 hrSWRunPerfCPU
283 hrSWRunPerfMem
284 hrSWInstalledLastChange
285 hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime
286 hrSWInstalledTable
287 hrSWInstalledEntry
288 hrSWInstalledIndex
289 hrSWInstalledName
290 hrSWInstalledID
291 hrSWInstalledType
292 hrSWInstalledDate
293 novell
294 mibDoc
295 nwServer
296 nwSystem
297 nwFileSystem
298 nwUsers
299 nwQueue
300 nwOdi
301 nwSft3
302 nwNCP
303 nwWatchdog
304 nwNLM
305 nwSetParams
306 nwUserAccounts
307 nwSysServerName
308 nwSysSerialNumber
309 nwSysInternalNetNum
310 nwSysServerUpTime
311 nwSysOSSFTLevel
312 nwSysOSMajorVer
313 nwSysOSMinorVer
314 nwSysOSReleaseDate
315 nwSysOSDescription
316 nwSysOSCopyright
317 nwSysTime
318 nwSysTimeZone
319 nwSysLoginState
320 nwSysLanguageID
321 nwSysNMASerialNumber
322 nwSysNMACopiesAllowed
323 nwSysDirectoryTree
324 nwSysBinderyContext
325 nwSysServerDSName
326 nwSysDaylightSavingsStart
327 nwSysDaylightSavingsEnd
328 nwSysDaylightSavingsOffset
329 nwSysDaylightSavingsStatus
330 nwFSReads
331 nwFSWrites
332 nwFSReadKBytes
333 nwFSWrittenKBytes
334 nwFSCacheChecks
335 nwFSCacheHits
336 nwFSOpenFiles
337 nwFSMaxOpenFiles
338 nwFSRecordLocks
339 nwFSMaxRecordLocks
340 nwFSMaxSubdirectoryTreeDepth
341 nwFSMaxPercentOfVolumeUsedByDir
342 nwFSVolCount
343 nwFSVolTable
344 nwFSVolEntry
345 nwVolID
346 nwVolPhysicalName
347 nwVolSize
348 nwVolFree
349 nwVolFreeable
350 nwVolNonFreeable
351 nwVolBlockSize
352 nwVolMounted
353 nwVolAttributes
354 nwVolNameSpaces
355 nwVolTotalDirEntries
356 nwVolUsedDirEntries
357 nwVolSegmentCount
358 nwVolDSName
359 nwVolFileSystemID
360 nwVolFileSystemName
361 nwFSOpenFileTable
362 nwFSOpenFileEntry
363 nwOfileVolID
364 nwOfileDirectoryNumber
365 nwOfileConnection
366 nwOfileVolumeName
367 nwOfileName
368 nwOfileLoginName
369 nwUserCount
370 nwLoginCount
371 nwMaxLogins
372 nwConnectionCount
373 nwPeakRemoteConnections
374 nwMaxConnections
375 nwNLMConnections
376 nwConnectionTable
377 nwConnectionEntry
378 nwConnectionNumber
379 nwConnectionLoginName
380 nwConnectionTransportDomain
381 nwConnectionTransportAddress
382 nwConnectionTime
383 nwConnectionReadKBytes
384 nwConnectionWrittenKBytes
385 nwConnectionNcpRequests
386 nwConnectionFilesOpen
387 nwConnectionRecordsLocked
388 nwConnectionPrivilege
389 nwConnectionStatus
390 nwQueueCount
391 nwQueueTable
392 nwQueueEntry
393 nwQID
394 nwQName
395 nwQType
396 nwQAddJobState
397 nwQAttachState
398 nwQServiceJobState
399 nwQDirVolName
400 nwQNumJobEntries
401 nwQNumAssignedServers
402 nwQueueJobTable
403 nwQueueJobEntry
404 nwQJobQID
405 nwQJobNumber
406 nwQJobDescription
407 nwQJobEntryDateTime
408 nwQJobPosition
409 nwQJobSize
410 nwQJobControlFlags
411 nwQJobUserName
412 nwQJobTargetServerName
413 nwQJobTargetDateTime
414 nwQJobServerName
415 nwQueueServerTable
416 nwQueueServerEntry
417 nwQServerQID
418 nwQServerID
419 nwQServerName
420 nwQServerStatus
421 nwOdiLslEnqSendCount
422 nwOdiOsPktRcvBuffer
423 nwOdiOsMaxPktRcvBuffers
424 nwOdiOsMinPktRcvBuffers
425 nwSft3Engine
426 nwSft3EngineState
427 nwSft3EngineTable
428 nwSft3EngineEntry
429 nwSft3EngineType
430 nwSft3EngineName
431 nwSft3EngineInternalNetNum
432 nwNCPIPXChecksums
433 nwNCPPacketSignatures
434 nwNCPNumNCPReqs
435 nwNCPUseCount
436 nwNCPPeakUseCount
437 nwNCPForgedPkts
438 nwNCPBeingProcesseds
439 nwNCPNoAvailConns
440 nwNCPIPXChecksumErrs
441 nwNCPInvalidPacketSigs
442 nwNCPExtNumReg
443 nwNCPExtInvalidReqs
444 nwWDTimeBeforeFirstPkt
445 nwWDTimeBetweenPkts
446 nwWDNumPktsToSend
447 nwWDCurrentState
448 nwWDNotifyConsoleFlag
449 nwNLMTable
450 nwNLMEntry
451 nwNLMIndex
452 nwNLMName
453 nwNLMDescription
454 nwNLMTotalMemory
455 nwNLMCopyright
456 nwNLMProtectionDomain
457 nwNLMMajorVer
458 nwNLMMinorVer
459 nwNLMRevision
460 nwNLMReleaseDate
461 nwSetCategoryTable
462 nwSetCategoryEntry
463 nwSetCategoryIndex
464 nwSetCategoryName
465 nwSetParamTable
466 nwSetParamEntry
467 nwSetParamCategoryIndex
468 nwSetParamIndex
469 nwSetParamName
470 nwSetParamType
471 nwSetParamValueInteger
472 nwSetParamValueString
473 nwSetParamLowerLimit
474 nwSetParamUpperLimit
475 nwSetParamDescrLength
476 nwSetParamMode
477 nwSetDescrTable
478 nwSetDescrEntry
479 nwSetDescrCategoryIndex
480 nwSetDescrParamIndex
481 nwSetDescrIndex
482 nwSetDescription
483 nwUserAcctTable
484 nwUserAcctEntry
485 nwUserID
486 nwUserName
487 nwUserDiskUsage
488 nwUserLastLoginTime
489 nwUserAccountStatus
490 nwUserPasswordStatus
491 nwUserBadLoginTransport
492 nwUserBadLoginAddress
493 nwUserBadLoginAttempts
494 nwUserFullName
495 nwUserVolUsageTable
496 nwUserVolUsageEntry
497 nwUserVolUserID
498 nwUserVolVolID
499 nwUserVolUsageUser
500 nwUserVolUsageVolume
501 nwUserVolUsageSpaceUsed
502 nwUserVolUsageLimit
503 nwVolUsageTable
504 nwVolUsageEntry
505 nwVolUsageVolID
506 nwVolUsageUserID
507 nwVolUsageVolume
508 nwVolUsageUser
509 nwVolUsageSpaceUsed
510 nwVolUsageLimit
511 graeff
512 bshost
513 bsservice
514 bsstatus
515 bscomment
516 bsseverity
517 bsackmode
518 bsackuser
519 ASXSoftware
520 ASNSoftware
521 ES2810ModSoftware
522 ASXPorts
524 ASXOperStat
525 ASXNNIProtocol
526 ASXProcUtil
527 #
528 # UPS MIB
529 upsMIB
530 upsObjects
531 upsIdent
532 upsIdentManufacturer
533 upsIdentModel
534 upsSoftwareVersion
535 upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion
536 upsIdentName
537 upsIdentAttachedDevices
538 upsBattery
539 upsBatteryStatus
540 upsSecondsOnBattery
541 upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining
542 upsEstimatedChargeRemaining
543 upsBatteryVoltage
544 upsBatterymandatory
545 upsBatteryTemperature
546 upsInput
547 upsInputLineBads
548 upsInputNumLines
549 upsInputTable
550 upsInputEntry
551 upsInputLineIndex
552 upsInputFrequency
553 upsInputVoltage
554 upsInputmandatory
555 upsInputTruePower
556 upsOutput
557 upsOutputSource
558 upsOutputFrequency
559 upsOutputNumLines
560 upsOutputTable
561 upsOutputEntry
562 upsOutputLineIndex
563 upsOutputVoltage
564 upsOutputmandatory
565 upsOutputPower
566 upsOutputPercentLoad
567 upsBypass
568 upsBypassFrequency
569 upsBypassNumLines
570 upsBypassTable
571 upsBypassEntry
572 upsBypassLineIndex
573 upsBypassVoltage
574 upsBypassmandatory
575 upsBypassPower
576 upsAlarm
577 upsAlarmsPresent
578 upsAlarmTable
579 upsAlarmEntry
580 upsAlarmId
581 upsAlarmDescr
582 upsAlarmTime
583 upsWellKnownAlarms
584 upsAlarmBatteryBad
585 upsAlarmOnBattery
586 upsAlarmLowBattery
587 upsAlarmDepletedBattery
588 upsAlarmTempBad
589 upsAlarmInputBad
590 upsAlarmOutputBad
591 upsAlarmOutputOverload
592 upsAlarmOnBypass
593 upsAlarmBypassBad
594 upsAlarmOutputOffAsRequested
595 upsOffAsRequested
596 upsAlarmChargerFailed
597 upsOutputOff
598 upsSystemOff
599 upsAlarmFanFailure
600 upsAlarmFuseFailure
601 upsAlarmGeneralFault
602 upsAlarmDiagnosticTestFailed
603 upsAlarmCommunicationsLost
604 upsAlarmAwaitingPower
605 upsAlarmShutdownPending
606 upsAlarmShutdownImminent
607 upsAlarmTestInProgress
608 upsTest
609 upsTestId
610 upsTestSpinLock
611 upsTestResultsSummary
612 upsTestResultsDetail
613 upsTestStartTime
614 upsTestElapsedTime
615 upsWellKnownTests
616 upsTestNoTestsInitiated
617 upsTestAbortTestInProgress
618 upsTestGeneralSystemsTest
619 upsTestQuickBatteryTest
620 upsTestDeepBatteryCalibration
621 upsControl
622 upsShutdownType
623 upsShutdownAfterDelay
624 upsStartupAfterDelay
625 upsRebootWithDuration
626 upsAutoRestart
627 upsConfig
628 upsConfigInputVoltage
629 upsConfigInputFreq
630 upsConfigOutputVoltage
631 upsConfigOutputFreq
632 upsConfigOutputVA
633 upsConfigOutputPower
634 upsConfigLowBattTime
635 upsConfigAudibleStatus
636 upsConfigLowVoltageTransferPoint
637 upsConfigHighVoltageTransferPoint
638 upsTraps
639 upsTraps#
640 upsTrapOnBattery
641 upsTrapTestCompleted
642 upsTrapAlarmEntryAdded
643 upsTrapAlarmEntryRemoved
644 ASXSoftware
645 ASNSoftware
646 ES2810ModSoftware
647 ASXPorts
649 ASXOperStat
650 ASXNNIProtocol
651 ASXProcUtil
652 dhcp
653 dhcpPar
654 dhcpScope
655 parDhcpStartTime
656 parDhcpTotalNoOfDiscovers
657 parDhcpTotalNoOfRequests
658 parDhcpTotalNoOfReleases
659 parDhcpTotalNoOfOffers
660 parDhcpTotalNoOfAcks
661 parDhcpTotalNoOfNacks
662 parDhcpTotalNoOfDeclines
663 scopeTable
664 scopeTableEntry
665 subnetAdd
666 noAddInUse
667 noAddFree
668 noPendingOffers
669 ftpServer
670 ftpStatistics
671 totalBytesSentHighWord
672 totalBytesSentLowWord
673 totalBytesReceivedHighWord
674 totalBytesReceivedLowWord
675 totalFilesSent
676 totalFilesReceived
677 currentAnonymousUsers
678 currentNonAnonymousUsers
679 totalAnonymousUsers
680 totalNonAnonymousUsers
681 maxAnonymousUsers
682 maxNonAnonymousUsers
683 currentConnections
684 maxConnections
685 connectionAttempts
686 logonAttempts
687 gopherServer
688 gopherStatistics
689 totalBytesSentHighWord
690 totalBytesSentLowWord
691 totalBytesReceivedHighWord
692 totalBytesReceivedLowWord
693 totalFilesSent
694 totalDirectorySent
695 totalSearchesDone
696 currentAnonymousUsers
697 currentNonAnonymousUsers
698 totalAnonymousUsers
699 totalNonAnonymousUsers
700 maxAnonymousUsers
701 maxNonAnonymousUsers
702 currentConnections
703 maxConnections
704 connectionAttempts
705 logonAttempts
706 abortedConnections
707 host
708 hrSystem
709 hrStorage
710 hrDevice
711 hrSWRun
712 hrSWRunPerf
713 hrSWInstalled
714 hrStorageTypes
715 hrStorageOther
716 hrStorageRam
717 hrStorageVirtualMemory
718 hrStorageFixedDisk
719 hrStorageRemovableDisk
720 hrStorageFloppyDisk
721 hrStorageCompactDisc
722 hrStorageRamDisk
723 hrDeviceTypes
724 hrDeviceOther
725 hrDeviceUnknown
726 hrDeviceProcessor
727 hrDeviceNetwork
728 hrDevicePrinter
729 hrDeviceDiskStorage
730 hrDeviceVideo
731 hrDeviceAudio
732 hrDeviceCoprocessor
733 hrDeviceKeyboard
734 hrDeviceModem
735 hrDeviceParallelPort
736 hrDevicePointing
737 hrDeviceSerialPort
738 hrDeviceTape
739 hrDeviceClock
740 hrDeviceVolatileMemory
741 hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory
742 hrFSTypes
743 hrFSOther
744 hrFSUnknown
745 hrFSBerkeleyFFS
746 hrFSSys5FS
747 hrFSFat
748 hrFSHPFS
749 hrFSHFS
750 hrFSMFS
751 hrFSNTFS
752 hrFSVNode
753 hrFSJournaled
754 hrFSiso9660
755 hrFSRockRidge
756 hrFSNFS
757 hrFSNetware
758 hrFSAFS
759 hrFSDFS
760 hrFSAppleshare
761 hrFSRFS
763 hrFSBFS
764 hrSystemUptime
765 hrSystemDate
766 hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
767 hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
768 hrSystemNumUsers
769 hrSystemProcesses
770 hrSystemMaxProcesses
771 hrMemorySize
772 hrStorageTable
773 hrStorageEntry
774 hrStorageIndex
775 hrStorageType
776 hrStorageDescr
777 hrStorageAllocationUnits
778 hrStorageSize
779 hrStorageUsed
780 hrStorageAllocationFailures
781 hrDeviceTable
782 hrDeviceEntry
783 hrDeviceIndex
784 hrDeviceType
785 hrDeviceDescr
786 hrDeviceID
787 hrDeviceStatus
788 hrDeviceErrors
789 hrProcessorTable
790 hrProcessorEntry
791 hrProcessorFrwID
792 hrProcessorLoad
793 hrNetworkTable
794 hrNetworkEntry
795 hrNetworkIfIndex
796 hrPrinterTable
797 hrPrinterEntry
798 hrPrinterStatus
799 hrPrinterDetectedErrorState
800 hrDiskStorageTable
801 hrDiskStorageEntry
802 hrDiskStorageAccess
803 hrDiskStorageMedia
804 hrDiskStorageRemoveble
805 hrDiskStorageCapacity
806 hrPartitionTable
807 hrPartitionEntry
808 hrPartitionIndex
809 hrPartitionLabel
810 hrPartitionID
811 hrPartitionSize
812 hrPartitionFSIndex
813 hrFSTable
814 hrFSEntry
815 hrFSIndex
816 hrFSMountPoint
817 hrFSRemoteMountPoint
818 hrFSType
819 hrFSAccess
820 hrFSBootable
821 hrFSStorageIndex
822 hrFSLastFullBackupDate
823 hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
824 hrSWOSIndex
825 hrSWRunTable
826 hrSWRunEntry
827 hrSWRunIndex
828 hrSWRunName
829 hrSWRunID
830 hrSWRunPath
831 hrSWRunParameters
832 hrSWRunType
833 hrSWRunStatus
834 hrSWRunPerfTable
835 hrSWRunPerfEntry
836 hrSWRunPerfCPU
837 hrSWRunPerfMem
838 hrSWInstalledLastChange
839 hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime
840 hrSWInstalledTable
841 hrSWInstalledEntry
842 hrSWInstalledIndex
843 hrSWInstalledName
844 hrSWInstalledID
845 hrSWInstalledType
846 hrSWInstalledDate
847 httpServer
848 httpStatistics
849 totalBytesSentHighWord
850 totalBytesSentLowWord
851 totalBytesReceivedHighWord
852 totalBytesReceivedLowWord
853 totalFilesSent
854 currentAnonymousUsers
855 currentNonAnonymousUsers
856 totalAnonymousUsers
857 totalNonAnonymousUsers
858 maxAnonymousUsers
859 maxNonAnonymousUsers
860 currentConnections
861 maxConnections
862 connectionAttempts
863 logonAttempts
864 totalGets
865 totalPosts
866 totalHeads
867 totalOthers
868 totalCGIRequests
869 totalBGIRequests
870 totalNotFoundErrors
871 internetServer
872 inetSrvCommon
873 inetSrvStats
874 lanmanager
875 lanmgr-2
876 common
877 server
878 workstation
879 domain
880 comVersionMaj
881 comVersionMin
882 comType
883 comStatStart
884 comStatNumNetIOs
885 comStatFiNetIOs
886 comStatFcNetIOs
887 svDescription
888 svSvcNumber
889 svSvcTable
890 svSvcEntry
891 svSvcName
892 svSvcInstalledState
893 svSvcOperatingState
894 svSvcCanBeUninstalled
895 svSvcEntrysvSvcCanBePaused
896 svStatOpens
897 svStatDevOpens
898 svStatQueuedJobs
899 svStatSOpens
900 svStatErrorOuts
901 svStatPwErrors
902 svStatPermErrors
903 svStatSysErrors
904 svStatSentBytes
905 svStatRcvdBytes
906 svStatAvResponse
907 svSecurityMode
908 svUsers
909 svStatReqBufsNeeded
910 svStatBigBufsNeeded
911 svSessionNumber
912 svSessionTable
913 svSessionEntry
914 svSesClientName
915 svSesUserName
916 svSesNumOpens
917 svSesTime
918 svSesIdleTime
919 svSesClientType
920 svSesState
921 svAutoDisconnects
922 svDisConTime
923 svAuditLogSize
924 svUserNumber
925 svUserTable
926 svUserEntry
927 svUserName
928 svShareNumber
929 svShareTable
930 svShareEntry
931 svShareName
932 svSharePath
933 svShareComment
934 svPrintQNumber
935 svPrintQTable
936 svPrintQEntry
937 svPrintQName
938 svPrintQNumJobs
939 wkstaStatSessStarts
940 wkstaStatSessFails
941 wkstaStatUses
942 wkstaStatUseFails
943 wkstaStatAutoRecs
944 wkstaErrorLogSize
945 wkstaUseNumber
946 wkstaUseTable
947 wkstaUseEntry
948 useLocalName
949 useRemote
950 useStatus
951 domPrimaryDomain
952 domLogonDomain
953 domOtherDomainNumber
954 domOtherDomainTable
955 domOtherDomainEntry
956 domOtherName
957 domServerNumber
958 domServerTable
959 domServerEntry
960 domServerName
961 domLogonNumber
962 domLogonTable
963 domLogonEntry
964 domLogonUser
965 domLogonMachine
966 # MIB-2
967 mib-2
968 system
969 interfaces
970 at
971 ip
972 icmp
973 tcp
974 udp
975 egp
976 transmission
977 snmp
978 sysDescr
979 sysObjectID
980 sysUpTime
981 sysContact
982 sysName
983 sysLocation
984 sysServices
985 ifNumber
986 ifTable
987 ifEntry
988 ifIndex
989 ifDescr
990 ifType
991 ifMtu
992 ifSpeed
993 ifPhysAddress
994 ifAdminStatus
995 ifOperStatus
996 ifLastChange
997 ifInOctets
998 ifInUcastPkts
999 ifInNUcastPkts
1000 ifInDiscards
1001 ifInErrors
1002 ifInUnknownProtos
1003 ifOutOctets
1004 ifOutUcastPkts
1005 ifOutNUcastPkts
1006 ifOutDiscards
1007 ifOutErrors
1008 ifOutQLen
1009 ifSpecific
1010 atTable
1011 atEntry
1012 atIfIndex
1013 atPhysAddress
1014 atNetAddress
1015 ipForwarding
1016 ipDefaultTTL
1017 ipInReceives
1018 ipInHdrErrors
1019 ipInAddrErrors
1020 ipForwDatagrams
1021 ipInUnknownProtos
1022 ipInDiscards
1023 ipInDelivers
1024 ipOutRequests
1025 ipOutDiscards
1026 ipOutNoRoutes
1027 ipReasmTimeout
1028 ipReasmReqds
1029 ipReasmOKs
1030 ipReasmFails
1031 ipFragOKs
1032 ipFragFails
1033 ipFragCreates
1034 ipAddrTable
1035 ipAddrEntry
1036 ipAdEntAddr
1037 ipAdEntIfIndex
1038 ipAdEntNetMask
1039 ipAdEntBcastAddr
1040 ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
1041 ipRouteTable
1042 ipRouteEntry
1043 ipRouteDest
1044 ipRouteIfIndex
1045 ipRouteMetric1
1046 ipRouteMetric2
1047 ipRouteMetric3
1048 ipRouteMetric4
1049 ipRouteNextHop
1050 ipRouteType
1051 ipRouteProto
1052 ipRouteAge
1053 ipRouteMask
1054 ipRouteMetric5
1055 ipRouteInfo
1056 ipNetToMediaTable
1057 ipNetToMediaEntry
1058 ipNetToMediaIfIndex
1059 ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
1060 ipNetToMediaNetAddress
1061 ipNetToMediaType
1062 ipRoutingDiscards
1063 icmpInMsgs
1064 icmpInErrors
1065 icmpInDestUnreachs
1066 icmpInTimeExcds
1067 icmpInParmProbs
1068 icmpInSrcQuenchs
1069 icmpInRedirects
1070 icmpInEchos
1071 icmpInEchoReps
1072 icmpInTimestamps
1073 icmpInTimestampReps
1074 icmpInAddrMasks
1075 icmpInAddrMaskReps
1076 icmpOutMsgs
1077 icmpOutErrors
1078 icmpOutDestUnreachs
1079 icmpOutTimeExcds
1080 icmpOutParmProbs
1081 icmpOutSrcQuenchs
1082 icmpOutRedirects
1083 icmpOutEchos
1084 icmpOutEchoReps
1085 icmpOutTimestamps
1086 icmpOutTimestampReps
1087 icmpOutAddrMasks
1088 icmpOutAddrMaskReps
1089 tcpRtoAlgorithm
1090 tcpRtoMin
1091 tcpRtoMax
1092 tcpMaxConn
1093 tcpActiveOpens
1094 tcpPassiveOpens
1095 tcpAttemptFails
1096 tcpEstabResets
1097 tcpCurrEstab
1098 tcpInSegs
1099 tcpOutSegs
1100 tcpRetransSegs
1101 tcpConnTable
1102 tcpConnEntry
1103 tcpConnState
1104 tcpConnLocalAddress
1105 tcpConnLocalPort
1106 tcpConnRemAddress
1107 tcpConnRemPort
1108 tcpInErrs
1109 tcpOutRsts
1110 udpInDatagrams
1111 udpNoPorts
1112 udpInErrors
1113 udpOutDatagrams
1114 udpTable
1115 udpEntry
1116 udpLocalAddress
1117 udpLocalPort
1118 microsoft
1119 software
1120 systems
1121 os
1122 winnt
1123 performance
1124 memory
1125 memoryAvailableBytes
1126 memoryCommittedBytes
1127 memoryCommitLimit
1128 memoryPageFaultsPerSec
1129 memoryWriteCopiesPerSec
1130 memoryTransitionFaultsPerSec
1131 memoryCacheFaultsPerSec
1132 memoryDemandZeroFaultsPerSec
1133 memoryPagesPerSec
1134 memoryPagesInputPerSec
1135 memoryPageReadsPerSec
1136 memoryPagesOutputPerSec
1137 memoryPageWritesPerSec
1138 memoryPoolPagedBytes
1139 memoryPoolNonpagedBytes
1140 memoryPoolPagedAllocs
1141 memoryPoolNonpagedAllocs
1142 memoryFreeSystemPageTableEntries
1143 memoryCacheBytes
1144 memoryCacheBytesPeak
1145 memoryPoolPagedResidentBytes
1146 memorySystemCodeTotalBytes
1147 memorySystemCodeResidentBytes
1148 memorySystemDriverTotalBytes
1149 memorySystemDriverResidentBytes
1150 memorySystemCacheResidentBytes
1151 memoryPercentCommittedBytesInUse
1152 cpuprocessorTable
1153 cpuprocessorEntry
1154 cpuprocessorIndex
1155 cpuprocessorInstance
1156 cpuPercentProcessorTime
1157 cpuPercentUserTime
1158 cpuPercentPrivilegedTime
1159 cpuInterruptsPerSec
1160 cpuPercentDPCTime
1161 cpuPercentInterruptTime
1162 cpuDPCsQueuedPerSec
1163 cpuDPCRate
1164 cpuDPCBypassesPerSec
1165 cpuAPCBypassesPerSec
1166 netnetwork-SegmentTable
1167 netnetwork-SegmentEntry
1168 netnetwork-SegmentIndex
1169 netnetwork-SegmentInstance
1170 netTotalFramesReceivedPerSecond
1171 netTotalBytesReceivedPerSecond
1172 netBroadcastFramesReceivedPerSecond
1173 netMulticastFramesReceivedPerSecond
1174 netPercentNetworkUtilization
1175 diskphysicalDiskTable
1176 diskphysicalDiskEntry
1177 diskphysicalDiskIndex
1178 diskphysicalDiskInstance
1179 diskCurrentDiskQueueLength
1180 diskPercentDiskTime
1181 diskAvgDiskQueueLength
1182 diskPercentDiskReadTime
1183 diskAvgDiskReadQueueLength
1184 diskPercentDiskWriteTime
1185 diskAvgDiskWriteQueueLength
1186 diskAvgDiskSecPerTransfer
1187 diskAvgDiskSecPerRead
1188 diskAvgDiskSecPerWrite
1189 diskDiskTransfersPerSec
1190 diskDiskReadsPerSec
1191 diskDiskWritesPerSec
1192 diskDiskBytesPerSec
1193 diskDiskReadBytesPerSec
1194 diskDiskWriteBytesPerSec
1195 novell
1196 mibDoc
1197 nwalarm-mib
1198 trapinfo
1199 memoryAddress
1200 auditEventNumber
1201 blockNumber
1202 numberOfBlocks
1203 packetSize
1204 boardNumber
1205 codeOffset
1206 connectionNumber
1207 dataStreamNumber
1208 diskSpace
1209 domainName
1210 resourceDescription
1211 deviceName
1212 dosType
1213 errorNumber
1214 exceptionName
1215 eipAddress
1216 fileName
1217 pathName
1218 fileOffset
1219 ncpFunctionNumber
1220 fileSize
1221 fileValue
1222 fileLength
1223 interruptNumber
1224 nlmName
1225 mediaLabel
1226 message
1227 numberOfFailedMemoryAllocAttempts
1228 numberOfResources
1229 networkAddress
1230 numberOfFailedFileLockRequests
1231 processName
1232 partitionNumber
1233 protocolName
1234 numberOfPackets
1235 resourceName
1236 numberOfFailedRecordLockRequests
1237 serverName
1238 stationNumber
1239 networkAddress1
1240 ncpSubFunctionNumber
1241 nlmSeverity
1242 trapTime
1243 taskNumber
1244 numberOfTransactions
1245 serverTime
1246 pathFileName
1247 userName
1248 volumeName
1249 volumeNumber
1250 lanDriverName
1251 routerName
1252 macAddress
1253 macAddress1
1254 numberOfConnections
1255 socketNumber
1256 accountName
1257 fileMiscInfo
1258 callBackNumber
1259 baudRate
1260 objectName
1261 userName1
1262 dosType1
1263 blockNumber1
1264 internalNetworkAddress
1265 internalNetworkAddress1
1266 macAddress2
1267 serverName1
1268 socketNumber1
1269 fileMiscInfo1
1270 fileSize1
1271 fileSize2
1272 packetSize1
1273 diskName
1274 reason
1275 maximumPercent
1276 iRamLength
1277 iTimerTicks
1278 pollingLoops
1279 iHopsCount
1280 synchronizationRadius
1281 cmmndLnPrmtr
1282 volumePercentage
1283 szReason
1284 iRamStart
1285 novell
1286 mibDoc
1287 nwHostExtensions
1288 nwhrStorage
1289 nwhrDevice
1290 nwhrOdi
1291 nwhrStorageTypes
1292 nwhrStorageVolume
1293 nwhrStorageMemoryPermanent
1294 nwhrStorageMemoryAlloc
1295 nwhrStorageCacheBuffers
1296 nwhrStorageCacheMovable
1297 nwhrStorageCacheNonMovable
1298 nwhrStorageCodeAndDataMemory
1299 nwhrStorageDOSMemory
1300 nwhrStorageIOEngineMemory
1301 nwhrStorageMSEngineMemory
1302 nwhrStorageUnclaimedMemory
1303 nwhrDeviceTypes
1304 nwhrDeviceMirroredServerLink
1305 nwhrDeviceTable
1306 nwhrDeviceEntry
1307 nwhrDeviceAdapterIndex
1308 nwhrDeviceControllerNumber
1309 nwhrDeviceNumber
1310 nwhrProcessorCount
1311 nwhrPrinterCount
1312 nwhrDiskStorageCount
1313 nwhrDiskStorageTable
1314 nwhrDiskStorageEntry
1315 nwhrDiskStorageHeads
1316 nwhrDiskStorageCylinders
1317 nwhrDiskStorageSectorsPerTrack
1318 nwhrDiskStorageSectorSize
1319 nwhrDiskStorageBlockSize
1320 nwhrPhysicalPartitionTable
1321 nwhrPhysicalPartitionEntry
1322 nwhrPhysicalPartitionIndex
1323 nwhrPhysicalPartitionType
1324 nwhrPhysicalPartitionDescr
1325 nwhrPhysicalPartitionSize
1326 nwhrHotfixTable
1327 nwhrHotfixEntry
1328 nwhrHotfixUnits
1329 nwhrHotfixTotal
1330 nwhrHotfixUsed
1331 nwhrHotfixReserved
1332 nwhrAdapterCount
1333 nwhrAdapterTable
1334 nwhrAdapterEntry
1335 nwhrAdapterIndex
1336 nwhrAdapterType
1337 nwhrAdapterDescr
1338 nwhrAdapterDriverDescr
1339 nwhrAdapterDriverMajorVer
1340 nwhrAdapterDriverMinorVer
1341 nwhrAdapterPort1
1342 nwhrAdapterPort1Len
1343 nwhrAdapterPort2
1344 nwhrAdapterPort2Len
1345 nwhrAdapterMem1
1346 nwhrAdapterMem1Len
1347 nwhrAdapterMem2
1348 nwhrAdapterMem2Len
1349 nwhrAdapterDMA1
1350 nwhrAdapterDMA2
1351 nwhrAdapterInterrupt1
1352 nwhrAdapterInterrupt2
1353 nwhrAdapterSlot
1354 nwhrAdapterDevices
1355 nwhrMslCount
1356 nwhrMslTable
1357 nwhrMslEntry
1358 nwhrMslState
1359 nwhrMslSpeed
1360 nwhrMslSends
1361 nwhrMslReceives
1362 nwhrMslInErrors
1363 nwhrMslOutErrors
1364 nwhrPrinterTable
1365 nwhrPrinterEntry
1366 nwhrPrinterID
1367 nwhrPrinterType
1368 nwhrPrinterLocalName
1369 nwhrPrinterQueueName
1370 nwhrPrinterServerName
1371 nwhrPrinterTransportDomain
1372 nwhrPrinterTransportAddress
1373 nwhrPrinterDeviceIndex
1374 nwhrLslOutPkts
1375 nwhrLslInPkts
1376 nwhrLslUnclaimedPkts
1377 nwhrProtocolTable
1378 nwhrProtocolEntry
1379 nwhrProtocolName
1380 nwhrProtocolID
1381 nwhrProtocolAddress
1382 nwhrProtocolOutPkts
1383 nwhrProtocolInPkts
1384 nwhrProtocolIgnoredPkts
1385 nwhrProtocolFullName
1386 nwhrIfTable
1387 nwhrIfEntry
1388 nwhrIfLogicalBoardNumber
1389 nwhrIfFrameType
1390 nwhrIfLogicalBoardName
1391 novell
1392 mibDoc
1393 nwServer
1394 nwSystem
1395 nwFileSystem
1396 nwUsers
1397 nwQueue
1398 nwOdi
1399 nwSft3
1400 nwNCP
1401 nwWatchdog
1402 nwNLM
1403 nwSetParams
1404 nwUserAccounts
1405 nwSysServerName
1406 nwSysSerialNumber
1407 nwSysInternalNetNum
1408 nwSysServerUpTime
1409 nwSysOSSFTLevel
1410 nwSysOSMajorVer
1411 nwSysOSMinorVer
1412 nwSysOSReleaseDate
1413 nwSysOSDescription
1414 nwSysOSCopyright
1415 nwSysTime
1416 nwSysTimeZone
1417 nwSysLoginState
1418 nwSysLanguageID
1419 nwSysNMASerialNumber
1420 nwSysNMACopiesAllowed
1421 nwSysDirectoryTree
1422 nwSysBinderyContext
1423 nwSysServerDSName
1424 nwSysDaylightSavingsStart
1425 nwSysDaylightSavingsEnd
1426 nwSysDaylightSavingsOffset
1427 nwSysDaylightSavingsStatus
1428 nwFSReads
1429 nwFSWrites
1430 nwFSReadKBytes
1431 nwFSWrittenKBytes
1432 nwFSCacheChecks
1433 nwFSCacheHits
1434 nwFSOpenFiles
1435 nwFSMaxOpenFiles
1436 nwFSRecordLocks
1437 nwFSMaxRecordLocks
1438 nwFSMaxSubdirectoryTreeDepth
1439 nwFSMaxPercentOfVolumeUsedByDir
1440 nwFSVolCount
1441 nwFSVolTable
1442 nwFSVolEntry
1443 nwVolID
1444 nwVolPhysicalName
1445 nwVolSize
1446 nwVolFree
1447 nwVolFreeable
1448 nwVolNonFreeable
1449 nwVolBlockSize
1450 nwVolMounted
1451 nwVolAttributes
1452 nwVolNameSpaces
1453 nwVolTotalDirEntries
1454 nwVolUsedDirEntries
1455 nwVolSegmentCount
1456 nwVolDSName
1457 nwVolFileSystemID
1458 nwVolFileSystemName
1459 nwFSOpenFileTable
1460 nwFSOpenFileEntry
1461 nwOfileVolID
1462 nwOfileDirectoryNumber
1463 nwOfileConnection
1464 nwOfileVolumeName
1465 nwOfileName
1466 nwOfileLoginName
1467 nwUserCount
1468 nwLoginCount
1469 nwMaxLogins
1470 nwConnectionCount
1471 nwPeakRemoteConnections
1472 nwMaxConnections
1473 nwNLMConnections
1474 nwConnectionTable
1475 nwConnectionEntry
1476 nwConnectionNumber
1477 nwConnectionLoginName
1478 nwConnectionTransportDomain
1479 nwConnectionTransportAddress
1480 nwConnectionTime
1481 nwConnectionReadKBytes
1482 nwConnectionWrittenKBytes
1483 nwConnectionNcpRequests
1484 nwConnectionFilesOpen
1485 nwConnectionRecordsLocked
1486 nwConnectionPrivilege
1487 nwConnectionStatus
1488 nwQueueCount
1489 nwQueueTable
1490 nwQueueEntry
1491 nwQID
1492 nwQName
1493 nwQType
1494 nwQAddJobState
1495 nwQAttachState
1496 nwQServiceJobState
1497 nwQDirVolName
1498 nwQNumJobEntries
1499 nwQNumAssignedServers
1500 nwQueueJobTable
1501 nwQueueJobEntry
1502 nwQJobQID
1503 nwQJobNumber
1504 nwQJobDescription
1505 nwQJobEntryDateTime
1506 nwQJobPosition
1507 nwQJobSize
1508 nwQJobControlFlags
1509 nwQJobUserName
1510 nwQJobTargetServerName
1511 nwQJobTargetDateTime
1512 nwQJobServerName
1513 nwQueueServerTable
1514 nwQueueServerEntry
1515 nwQServerQID
1516 nwQServerID
1517 nwQServerName
1518 nwQServerStatus
1519 nwOdiLslEnqSendCount
1520 nwOdiOsPktRcvBuffer
1521 nwOdiOsMaxPktRcvBuffers
1522 nwOdiOsMinPktRcvBuffers
1523 nwSft3Engine
1524 nwSft3EngineState
1525 nwSft3EngineTable
1526 nwSft3EngineEntry
1527 nwSft3EngineType
1528 nwSft3EngineName
1529 nwSft3EngineInternalNetNum
1530 nwNCPIPXChecksums
1531 nwNCPPacketSignatures
1532 nwNCPNumNCPReqs
1533 nwNCPUseCount
1534 nwNCPPeakUseCount
1535 nwNCPForgedPkts
1536 nwNCPBeingProcesseds
1537 nwNCPNoAvailConns
1538 nwNCPIPXChecksumErrs
1539 nwNCPInvalidPacketSigs
1540 nwNCPExtNumReg
1541 nwNCPExtInvalidReqs
1542 nwWDTimeBeforeFirstPkt
1543 nwWDTimeBetweenPkts
1544 nwWDNumPktsToSend
1545 nwWDCurrentState
1546 nwWDNotifyConsoleFlag
1547 nwNLMTable
1548 nwNLMEntry
1549 nwNLMIndex
1550 nwNLMName
1551 nwNLMDescription
1552 nwNLMTotalMemory
1553 nwNLMCopyright
1554 nwNLMProtectionDomain
1555 nwNLMMajorVer
1556 nwNLMMinorVer
1557 nwNLMRevision
1558 nwNLMReleaseDate
1559 nwSetCategoryTable
1560 nwSetCategoryEntry
1561 nwSetCategoryIndex
1562 nwSetCategoryName
1563 nwSetParamTable
1564 nwSetParamEntry
1565 nwSetParamCategoryIndex
1566 nwSetParamIndex
1567 nwSetParamName
1568 nwSetParamType
1569 nwSetParamValueInteger
1570 nwSetParamValueString
1571 nwSetParamLowerLimit
1572 nwSetParamUpperLimit
1573 nwSetParamDescrLength
1574 nwSetParamMode
1575 nwSetDescrTable
1576 nwSetDescrEntry
1577 nwSetDescrCategoryIndex
1578 nwSetDescrParamIndex
1579 nwSetDescrIndex
1580 nwSetDescription
1581 nwUserAcctTable
1582 nwUserAcctEntry
1583 nwUserID
1584 nwUserName
1585 nwUserDiskUsage
1586 nwUserLastLoginTime
1587 nwUserAccountStatus
1588 nwUserPasswordStatus
1589 nwUserBadLoginTransport
1590 nwUserBadLoginAddress
1591 nwUserBadLoginAttempts
1592 nwUserFullName
1593 nwUserVolUsageTable
1594 nwUserVolUsageEntry
1595 nwUserVolUserID
1596 nwUserVolVolID
1597 nwUserVolUsageUser
1598 nwUserVolUsageVolume
1599 nwUserVolUsageSpaceUsed
1600 nwUserVolUsageLimit
1601 nwVolUsageTable
1602 nwVolUsageEntry
1603 nwVolUsageVolID
1604 nwVolUsageUserID
1605 nwVolUsageVolume
1606 nwVolUsageUser
1607 nwVolUsageSpaceUsed
1608 nwVolUsageLimit
1609 novell
1610 mibDoc
1611 nwTrend
1612 nwtControl
1613 nwtTrapInfo
1614 nwtControlTable
1615 nwtControlEntry
1616 nwtControlAttributeClass
1617 nwtControlIndex
1618 nwtControlAttributeInstance
1619 nwtControlSampleInterval
1620 nwtControlSampleType
1621 nwtControlSampleInvalidValue
1622 nwtControlLastSampleValue
1623 nwtControlReferenceTimeStamp
1624 nwtControlThresholdState
1625 nwtControlThresholdType
1626 nwtControlRisingThreshold
1627 nwtControlFallingThreshold
1628 nwtControlHistoryState
1629 nwtControlHistoryLastSampleIndex
1630 nwtControlHistoryBucketsRequested
1631 nwtControlHistoryBucketsGranted
1632 nwtControlStatus
1633 nwtHistoryTable
1634 nwtHistoryEntry
1635 nwtHistoryControlIndex
1636 nwtHistorySampleIndex
1637 nwtHistorySampleValue
1638 nwtServerName
1639 nwtTrapTime
1640 nwtThreshold
1641 nwtInterval
1642 nwtInterfaceName
1643 nwtQueueName
1644 nwtVolumeName
1645 nwtDiskName
1646 nwtCPUDescription
1647 directory
1648 mgmt
1649 experimental
1650 private
1651 enterprises
1652 microsoft
1653 software
1654 wins
1655 par
1656 pull
1657 push
1658 datafiles
1659 cmd
1660 parWinsStartTime
1661 parLastPScvTime
1662 parLastATScvTime
1663 parLastTombScvTime
1664 parLastVerifyScvTime
1665 parLastPRplTime
1666 parLastATRplTime
1667 parLastNTRplTime
1668 parLastACTRplTime
1669 parLastInitDbTime
1670 parLastCounterResetTime
1671 parWinsTotalNoOfReg
1672 parWinsTotalNoOfQueries
1673 parWinsTotalNoOfRel
1674 parWinsTotalNoOfSuccRel
1675 parWinsTotalNoOfFailRel
1676 parWinsTotalNoOfSuccQueries
1677 parWinsTotalNoOfFailQueries
1678 parRefreshInterval
1679 parTombstoneInterval
1680 parTombstoneTimeout
1681 parVerifyInterval
1682 parVersCounterStartValLowWord
1683 parVersCounterStartValHighWord
1684 parRplOnlyWCnfPnrs
1685 parStaticDataInit
1686 parLogFlag
1687 parLogFileName
1688 parBackupDirPath
1689 parDoBackupOnTerm
1690 parMigrateOn
1691 dfDatafilesTable
1692 dfDatafileEntry
1693 dfDatafileIndex
1694 dfDatafileName
1695 pullInitTime
1696 pullCommRetryCount
1697 pullPnrTable
1698 ppullPnrEntry
1699 pullPnrAdd
1700 pullPnrSpTime
1701 pullPnrTimeInterval
1702 pullPnrMemberPrec
1703 pullPnrNoOfSuccRpls
1704 pullPnrNoOfCommFails
1705 pullPnrVersNoLowWord
1706 pullPnrVersNoHighWord
1707 pushInitTime
1708 pushRplOnAddChg
1709 pushPnrTable
1710 pushPnrEntry
1711 pushPnrAdd
1712 pushPnrUpdateCount
1713 cmdPullTrigger
1714 cmdPushTrigger
1715 cmdDeleteWins
1716 cmdDoScavenging
1717 cmdDoStaticInit
1718 cmdNoOfWrkThds
1719 cmdPriorityClass
1720 cmdResetCounters
1721 cmdDeleteDbRecs
1722 cmdDRPopulateTable
1723 cmdDRDataRecordsTable
1724 cmdDRRecordEntry
1725 cmdDRRecordName
1726 cmdDRRecordAddress
1727 cmdDRRecordType
1728 cmdDRRecordPersistenceType
1729 cmdDRRecordState
1730 cmdWinsVersNoLowWord
1731 cmdWinsVersNoHighWord
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