]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/youtube-dl.git/blob - 10291.diff
add kanal2 extractor patch from PR
[packages/youtube-dl.git] / 10291.diff
1 commit ea80d6ff9bc9fc8c35ba0795126cc55e2fa81a21
2 Author: zmobbie <ottoxas@hotmail.com>
3 Date:   Thu Aug 11 06:07:45 2016 +0300
5     Kanal2 Add new extractor
7 diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/extractors.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/extractors.py
8 index 387230be0..9c9d0f829 100644
9 --- a/youtube_dl/extractor/extractors.py
10 +++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/extractors.py
11 @@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ from .jwplatform import JWPlatformIE
12  from .jpopsukitv import JpopsukiIE
13  from .kaltura import KalturaIE
14  from .kamcord import KamcordIE
15 +from .kanal2 import Kanal2IE
16  from .kanalplay import KanalPlayIE
17  from .kankan import KankanIE
18  from .karaoketv import KaraoketvIE
19 diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
20 new file mode 100644
21 index 000000000..97ce8b5ea
22 --- /dev/null
23 +++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
24 @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
25 +from __future__ import unicode_literals
26 +from datetime import (
27 +    datetime,
28 +    timedelta,
29 +)
30 +
31 +from .common import InfoExtractor
32 +from ..utils import (
33 +    update_url_query,
34 +    xpath_text,
35 +    str_to_int,
36 +    int_or_none,
37 +    HEADRequest,
38 +)
39 +
40 +import re
41 +
42 +
43 +class Kanal2IE(InfoExtractor):
44 +    _VALID_URL = r'(?P<base>.+\.postimees\.ee)[a-zA-Z0-9\/._-]+\?[a-zA-Z0-9=&._-]*id=(?P<id>[0-9]+)[^ ]*'
45 +    _TESTS = [{
46 +        # The most ordinary case
47 +        'url': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/pluss/video/?id=40792',
48 +        'md5': '173e29daea5f5fab49390bddd78aaaf0',
49 +        'info_dict': {
50 +            'id': '40792',
51 +            'ext': 'flv',
52 +            'title': 'Aedniku aabits (06.08.2016 10:30)',
53 +            'thumbnail': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/imagecache/http_img.cdn.mind.ee/kanal2//14/100/00033/0053_4468c974c1010a21817c1ee37f3e7902.jpeg',
54 +            'description': 'Aedniku aabits" on saade, mis pakub kaasaelamist ja teadmisi nii algajatele, kui juba kogenud rohenäppudele. Kõik alates vajalikest näpunäidetest, nutikatest lahendustest, uudistoodetest kuni taimede hingeeluni ning aias kasutatava tehnikani välja.',
55 +            'upload_date': '20160805',
56 +            'timestamp': 1470434400,
57 +        }
58 +    }, {
59 +        # Embed player, also needs login in reality but all the streams are accessable without logging in
60 +        'url': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/video/lonelyPlayer?videoid=28848',
61 +        'md5': '18edb2fd235c06a60b81b3590a357ace',
62 +        'info_dict': {
63 +            'id': '28848',
64 +            'ext': 'flv',
65 +            'title': 'Viimane võmm - Rita, ära jama (24.11.2015 21:30)',
66 +            'thumbnail': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/imagecache/http_img.cdn.mind.ee/kanal2//14/100/00002/0050_4468c974c1010a21817c1ee37f3e7902.jpeg',
67 +            'description': 'Kinnisvaraomanik Villem Meius leitakse oma korterist tapetuna. Turvakaamera video paljastab surnukeha kõrvalt lahkumas ühe Meiuse üürniku - ei kellegi muu, kui politseinike kaitseingli Rita! Rita võetakse vahi alla ning kogu jaoskond näeb vaeva selle nimel, et teda vabastada ning tema kinniistumise ajal Rita baari käigus hoida. Uurimise käigus paljastub ulatuslik ja häbitu kinnisvarahangeldamine Kalamajas, mille niidid ulatuvad ka justiitsmaailma ladvikusse. Vastasleeri moodustavad Kalamaja põliselanikud. Organisatsiooni peakorter asub kellegi Mort Pärgi matusebüroos. Sealt hakkabki asi lõpuks hargnema.'
68 +        }
69 +    }, {
70 +        # Other ordinary case
71 +        'url': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/pluss/preview?id=40744',
72 +        'md5': '2579cdbf16013d7e7a7361a832bc818e',
73 +        'info_dict': {
74 +            'id': '40744',
75 +            'ext': 'flv',
76 +            'title': 'Kaunis Dila (10.08.2016 19:00)',
77 +            'thumbnail': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/imagecache/http_img.cdn.mind.ee/kanal2//16/300/00208/0050_4468c974c1010a21817c1ee37f3e7902.jpeg',
78 +        }
79 +    }, {
80 +        # Not on kanal2 subdomain like others, the site has different layout, so a lot of data can't be accessed, but the api's are same. also has rating
81 +        'url': 'http://kanal12.postimees.ee/vaatasaateid/Punkri-joulueri?videoid=248',
82 +        'md5': '4633c310980201e4d8195d22b948ad10',
83 +        'info_dict': {
84 +            'id': '248',
85 +            'ext': 'flv',
86 +            'title': 'Punkri jõulueri',
87 +            'thumbnail': 'http://img.cdn.mind.ee/kanal2/clips/KANAL 12/punkri joulueri.jpeg',
88 +            'description': 'Eestlaste lemmik-krõbesaade lõpetab aasta loodetavasti südamliku pühade-eriga! Hapukapsad ninast välja! Jeesuse sündi on tulnud tähistama Ivo Linna, pastor, saatan ja paljud teised. Saadet juhivad Marge Tava, Aleksander Ots ja Marek Reinaas.',
89 +            'average_rating': int,
90 +        }
91 +    }]
92 +
93 +    def _real_extract(self, url):
94 +        video_id = self._match_id(url)
95 +        # base url, e.g. kanal2.postimees.ee (in chrome, the black part of the address)
96 +        base = re.compile(self._VALID_URL).match(url).group('base')
97 +
98 +        # Acquire the video's address, where we can search for website data(needed in case of embed player)
99 +        if "pluss" not in url and "kanal2" in base:
100 +            # Generic url for all the kanal2 videos, may redirect
101 +            url = base + '/pluss/video/?id=' + video_id
102 +            # This part copied from generic.py, bypasses redirects
103 +            head_response = self._request_webpage(HEADRequest(url), video_id)
104 +            if head_response is not False:
105 +                new_url = head_response.geturl()
106 +                if url != new_url:
107 +                    self._downloader.to_screen('[redirect] Following redirect to %s' % new_url)
108 +                return self.url_result(new_url)
109 +                # copied until here
110 +
111 +        xmlfile = self._download_xml(update_url_query(base + '/video/playerPlaylistApi', {'id': video_id}), video_id)
112 +
113 +        # Remove stacked urls(e.g. http://test.comhttp://test2.com, removes everything before second http)
114 +        thumbnail = re.compile('[^\0]*(?P<realurl>https?:\/\/[^"]+)[^\0]*').match(base + xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/thumbUrl')).group('realurl')
115 +        average_rating = int_or_none(xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/rating/value'))
116 +
117 +        # Determine, whether the stream is high or low quality and act accordingly
118 +        for stream in xmlfile.findall('./playlist/video/streamItems/streamItem'):
119 +            # Found low quality stream, but keep iterating streamItems in hope of finding hq stream
120 +            if "k2lq" in stream.get('streamName'):
121 +                streamname = stream.get('streamName')
122 +                width = str_to_int(stream.get('width'))
123 +                height = str_to_int(stream.get('height'))
124 +                continue
125 +            # Found high quality stream, looping no longer necessary
126 +            if "k2hq" in stream.get('streamName'):
127 +                streamname = stream.get('streamName')
128 +                width = str_to_int(stream.get('width'))
129 +                height = str_to_int(stream.get('height'))
130 +                break
131 +
132 +        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
133 +        # Is the following info on website? if div player-container is present, info also is
134 +        if 'player-container' in webpage:
135 +            # Find description
136 +            description = self._search_regex(r'[^\0]*<p class="full"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/p>[^\0]*', webpage, 'description', default=None)
137 +            if description is not None:
138 +                # Remove a lot of trailing spaces, that were added to get the text to be in the right place on webpage
139 +                description = description.strip()
140 +            # Episode and season
141 +            epandseason = self._search_regex('[^\0]*(Osa *[0-9]+ *Hooaeg *[0-9]+)[^\0]*', webpage, 'epandseason', default=None)
142 +            if epandseason is not None:
143 +                episode = int_or_none(re.compile('Osa *(?P<episode>[0-9]+) *Hooaeg *[0-9]+').match(epandseason).group('episode'))
144 +                season = int_or_none(re.compile('Osa *[0-9]+ *Hooaeg *(?P<season>[0-9]+)').match(epandseason).group('season'))
145 +            # Timestamp generation
146 +            dateandtime = self._search_regex('[^\0]*(eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,}[^0-9]*[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*', webpage, 'dateandtime', default=None)
147 +            if dateandtime is not None:
148 +                date = re.compile('[^\0]*eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*(?P<date>[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,})[^0-9]*(?P<time>[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*').match(dateandtime).group('date')
149 +                time = re.compile('[^\0]*eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*(?P<date>[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,})[^0-9]*(?P<time>[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*').match(dateandtime).group('time')
150 +                timestamp = int_or_none((datetime.strptime(date + " " + time, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') - datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=60 * 60 * 2)).total_seconds())  # No dst support, but added the 2 default hours of estonia
151 +            player_url = self._search_regex('[^\0]embedSWF\("([^"]+)[^\0]', webpage, 'player_url', default=None)
152 +
153 +        # There are videos that can only be seen when logged in, so some data can't be accessed(but we can still download the video)
154 +        else:
155 +            # Try to get description from api(which is mostly empty result) or in other case from og meta tag.
156 +            description = xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/description') or self._search_regex('[^\0]og:description"[^\0]*content="(.*)\" \/>', webpage, 'description', default=None)
157 +            # Basic character parsing to turn character references into real characters. also remove excessive whitespace
158 +            if description is not None:
159 +                description = description.strip().replace("&otilde;", "õ").replace("&Otilde;", "Õ").replace("&auml;", "ä").replace("&Auml;", "Ä").replace("&ouml;", "ö").replace("&Ouml;", "Ö").replace("&uuml;", "ü").replace("&Uuml;", "Ü").replace("&amp;", "&")
160 +
161 +            player_url = None
162 +            episode = int_or_none(xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/episode')) or None
163 +            season = None  # Episode is mostly empty in the xml but season does not even appear there
164 +            timestamp = None
165 +        return {
166 +            'app': "kanal2vod",
167 +            'average_rating': average_rating,
168 +            'description': description,
169 +            'episode_number': episode,
170 +            'ext': "flv",
171 +            'height': height,
172 +            'id': video_id,
173 +            'page_url': url,
174 +            'player_url': player_url,
175 +            'play_path': "mp4:" + streamname,
176 +            'protocol': "rtmp",
177 +            'rtmp_real_time': True,
178 +            'season_number': season,
179 +            'timestamp': timestamp,
180 +            'title': xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/name'),
181 +            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
182 +            'url': xmlfile.find('./playlist/video/streamItems').get('host') + streamname,
183 +            'width': width,
184 +        }
186 commit 0817510dfba8a7de1b8e46f7755994510f82366e
187 Author: zmobbie <ottoxas@hotmail.com>
188 Date:   Fri Aug 12 00:55:34 2016 +0300
190     Kanal2 Add new extractor
192 diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
193 index 97ce8b5ea..b42b3f7a2 100644
194 --- a/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
195 +++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
196 @@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ from ..utils import (
197      str_to_int,
198      int_or_none,
199      HEADRequest,
200 +    unescapeHTML,
201  )
203  import re
206  class Kanal2IE(InfoExtractor):
207 -    _VALID_URL = r'(?P<base>.+\.postimees\.ee)[a-zA-Z0-9\/._-]+\?[a-zA-Z0-9=&._-]*id=(?P<id>[0-9]+)[^ ]*'
208 +    _VALID_URL = r'(?P<base>https?:\/\/.+\.postimees\.ee)[a-zA-Z0-9\/._-]+\?[a-zA-Z0-9=&._-]*id=(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[^ ]*'
209      _TESTS = [{
210          # The most ordinary case
211          'url': 'http://kanal2.postimees.ee/pluss/video/?id=40792',
212 @@ -68,12 +69,8 @@ class Kanal2IE(InfoExtractor):
214      def _real_extract(self, url):
215          video_id = self._match_id(url)
216 -        # base url, e.g. kanal2.postimees.ee (in chrome, the black part of the address)
217          base = re.compile(self._VALID_URL).match(url).group('base')
218 -
219 -        # Acquire the video's address, where we can search for website data(needed in case of embed player)
220          if "pluss" not in url and "kanal2" in base:
221 -            # Generic url for all the kanal2 videos, may redirect
222              url = base + '/pluss/video/?id=' + video_id
223              # This part copied from generic.py, bypasses redirects
224              head_response = self._request_webpage(HEADRequest(url), video_id)
225 @@ -82,79 +79,73 @@ class Kanal2IE(InfoExtractor):
226                  if url != new_url:
227                      self._downloader.to_screen('[redirect] Following redirect to %s' % new_url)
228                  return self.url_result(new_url)
229 -                # copied until here
231          xmlfile = self._download_xml(update_url_query(base + '/video/playerPlaylistApi', {'id': video_id}), video_id)
232 +        host = xmlfile.find('./playlist/video/streamItems').get('host')
233 +
234 +        formats = [{
235 +            'protocol': re.compile('(?P<protocol>.+):\/\/[^\0]*').match(host).group('protocol') or 'rtmp',
236 +            'app': re.compile(((re.compile('(?P<protocol>.+):\/\/[^\0]*').match(host).group('protocol') or 'rtmp') + ':\/\/[^\0]*\/(?P<app>.+\/)')).match(host).group('app') or 'kanal2vod',
237 +            'url': host + stream.get('streamName'),
238 +            'play_path': 'mp4:' + stream.get('streamName'),
239 +            'ext': 'flv',
240 +            'height': str_to_int(stream.get('height')),
241 +            'width': str_to_int(stream.get('width')),
242 +            'rtmp_real_time': True,
243 +        } for stream in xmlfile.findall('./playlist/video/streamItems/streamItem')]
244 +        self._sort_formats(formats)
246 -        # Remove stacked urls(e.g. http://test.comhttp://test2.com, removes everything before second http)
247 +        # Remove stacked urls(e.g. http://test.comhttp://test2.com, removes everything before second http(kanal12 fix))
248          thumbnail = re.compile('[^\0]*(?P<realurl>https?:\/\/[^"]+)[^\0]*').match(base + xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/thumbUrl')).group('realurl')
249          average_rating = int_or_none(xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/rating/value'))
251 -        # Determine, whether the stream is high or low quality and act accordingly
252 -        for stream in xmlfile.findall('./playlist/video/streamItems/streamItem'):
253 -            # Found low quality stream, but keep iterating streamItems in hope of finding hq stream
254 -            if "k2lq" in stream.get('streamName'):
255 -                streamname = stream.get('streamName')
256 -                width = str_to_int(stream.get('width'))
257 -                height = str_to_int(stream.get('height'))
258 -                continue
259 -            # Found high quality stream, looping no longer necessary
260 -            if "k2hq" in stream.get('streamName'):
261 -                streamname = stream.get('streamName')
262 -                width = str_to_int(stream.get('width'))
263 -                height = str_to_int(stream.get('height'))
264 -                break
265 -
266          webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
267 -        # Is the following info on website? if div player-container is present, info also is
268          if 'player-container' in webpage:
269 -            # Find description
270              description = self._search_regex(r'[^\0]*<p class="full"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/p>[^\0]*', webpage, 'description', default=None)
271              if description is not None:
272 -                # Remove a lot of trailing spaces, that were added to get the text to be in the right place on webpage
273                  description = description.strip()
274 -            # Episode and season
275 -            epandseason = self._search_regex('[^\0]*(Osa *[0-9]+ *Hooaeg *[0-9]+)[^\0]*', webpage, 'epandseason', default=None)
276 -            if epandseason is not None:
277 -                episode = int_or_none(re.compile('Osa *(?P<episode>[0-9]+) *Hooaeg *[0-9]+').match(epandseason).group('episode'))
278 -                season = int_or_none(re.compile('Osa *[0-9]+ *Hooaeg *(?P<season>[0-9]+)').match(epandseason).group('season'))
279 -            # Timestamp generation
280 -            dateandtime = self._search_regex('[^\0]*(eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,}[^0-9]*[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*', webpage, 'dateandtime', default=None)
281 -            if dateandtime is not None:
282 -                date = re.compile('[^\0]*eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*(?P<date>[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,})[^0-9]*(?P<time>[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*').match(dateandtime).group('date')
283 -                time = re.compile('[^\0]*eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*(?P<date>[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,})[^0-9]*(?P<time>[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*').match(dateandtime).group('time')
284 +
285 +            epandseasonregex = re.compile('Osa *(?P<episode>[0-9]+) *Hooaeg *(?P<season>[0-9]+)').match(self._search_regex('[^\0]*(Osa *[0-9]+ *Hooaeg *[0-9]+)[^\0]*', webpage, 'epandseason', default=None))
286 +            if epandseasonregex is not None:
287 +                episode = int_or_none(epandseasonregex.group('episode'))
288 +                season = int_or_none(epandseasonregex.group('season'))
289 +
290 +            dateandtimeregex = re.compile('[^\0]*eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*(?P<date>[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,})[^0-9]*(?P<time>[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*').match(self._search_regex('[^\0]*(eetris[^\0]*<\/span>[^\0]*[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{4,}[^0-9]*[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})[^\0]*', webpage, 'dateandtime', default=None))
291 +            if dateandtimeregex is not None:
292 +                date = dateandtimeregex.group('date')
293 +                time = dateandtimeregex.group('time')
294                  timestamp = int_or_none((datetime.strptime(date + " " + time, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') - datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=60 * 60 * 2)).total_seconds())  # No dst support, but added the 2 default hours of estonia
295              player_url = self._search_regex('[^\0]embedSWF\("([^"]+)[^\0]', webpage, 'player_url', default=None)
297 -        # There are videos that can only be seen when logged in, so some data can't be accessed(but we can still download the video)
298          else:
299 -            # Try to get description from api(which is mostly empty result) or in other case from og meta tag.
300 -            description = xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/description') or self._search_regex('[^\0]og:description"[^\0]*content="(.*)\" \/>', webpage, 'description', default=None)
301 -            # Basic character parsing to turn character references into real characters. also remove excessive whitespace
302 -            if description is not None:
303 -                description = description.strip().replace("&otilde;", "õ").replace("&Otilde;", "Õ").replace("&auml;", "ä").replace("&Auml;", "Ä").replace("&ouml;", "ö").replace("&Ouml;", "Ö").replace("&uuml;", "ü").replace("&Uuml;", "Ü").replace("&amp;", "&")
304 -
305 +            description = None
306              player_url = None
307 -            episode = int_or_none(xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/episode')) or None
308 -            season = None  # Episode is mostly empty in the xml but season does not even appear there
309 +            season = None
310 +            episode = None
311              timestamp = None
312 +
313 +        if description is None:
314 +            description = xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/description') or self._search_regex('[^\0]og:description" *content="(.*)\" *\/>', webpage, 'description', default=None)
315 +            if description is not None:
316 +                description = unescapeHTML(description).strip()
317 +
318 +        if episode is None:
319 +            episode = int_or_none(xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/episode'))
320 +
321 +        title = xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/name')
322 +        if title is None:
323 +            title = self._search_regex('[^\0]og:title" *content="(.*)\" *\/>', webpage, 'title', default=None) or self._search_regex('[^\0]<title>(.*)<\/title>[^\0]', webpage, 'description', default=None)
324 +
325          return {
326 -            'app': "kanal2vod",
327              'average_rating': average_rating,
328              'description': description,
329              'episode_number': episode,
330 -            'ext': "flv",
331 -            'height': height,
332 +            'formats': formats,
333              'id': video_id,
334              'page_url': url,
335              'player_url': player_url,
336 -            'play_path': "mp4:" + streamname,
337 -            'protocol': "rtmp",
338 -            'rtmp_real_time': True,
339              'season_number': season,
340              'timestamp': timestamp,
341 -            'title': xpath_text(xmlfile, './playlist/video/name'),
342 +            'title': title,
343              'thumbnail': thumbnail,
344 -            'url': xmlfile.find('./playlist/video/streamItems').get('host') + streamname,
345 -            'width': width,
346          }
348 commit 04dd3cb5811bd498a141743c8c558e9e0f2a1088
349 Author: zmobbie <ottoxas@hotmail.com>
350 Date:   Fri Aug 12 01:02:12 2016 +0300
352     Update kanal2.py
354     added character encoding system to be used in this file and tried to make the extractor better overall
356 diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
357 index b42b3f7a2..7a405e561 100644
358 --- a/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
359 +++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/kanal2.py
360 @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
361 +# coding: ISO-8859-15
362  from __future__ import unicode_literals
363  from datetime import (
364      datetime,
This page took 0.095483 seconds and 3 git commands to generate.